Author: Amanda

Bone Broth: A Functional Food

When I think of medicinal foods, I think of bone broth.  There’s a reason homemade chicken soup is given to people when they are sick.  Many cultures like Chinese, French, Japanese, African, and Italian have different broths that are made to help different ailments, such as gastrointestinal issues, joint pain, constipation, etc.  Let’s dive into […]
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Estrogen Dominance May Not Be Your Problem

You’ve probably read a post or heard someone describing symptoms of excess estrogen and resonated with it.  I know I have.  However, high estrogen isn’t the main problem.  Can reducing estrogen in your environment, beauty products, menstrual products, and home help your symptoms?  Yes and I think it’s a piece of the hormone imbalance puzzle, […]
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Why Can’t I Tolerate Dairy?

Are you one of the many individuals who suffer from symptoms of dairy intolerance? As a dietitian, one of the most common questions I’ve received is, why can’t I tolerate dairy? Answering that question isn’t as simple as one might think. There are several factors to consider. Before I dig into one of the most […]
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Is Dairy Bad for Your Hormones?

I understand that dairy is a nuanced topic, and it isn’t an excellent choice for everyone. However, I feel that many women are afraid to consume dairy even though they do not react to it, and I think that’s wrong.  Today, I want to talk about the myths surrounding milk; it’s nutritional components, and how […]
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Why Can’t I Tolerate Carbs?

 I’ve pretty much tried every diet out there, as I’m sure you can relate.  Most diets lead with carb restriction.  When I first found Paleo, and then went on to participate in two research studies at the University of Connecticut as part of my Dietetics program, I became hyper-aware of one macronutrient group in specific, […]
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What You Need To Know About The Copper IUD

Since I talk about the effects of hormonal birth control and how to transition off so frequently, I often get asked about the copper IUD. I had the copper IUD for seven years since I wanted a non-hormonal form of birth control and wasn’t ready to rely 100% on the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) yet. […]
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How Hormonal Birth Control Impacts The Body

Hormonal birth control (HBC) has been a big part of my health journey and morphed my career path, and is something that has impacted many of my clients’ lives as well. This isn’t surprising since 80% of women will take the pill at some point in their lifetime (1). I don’t want any woman EVER […]
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Side Effects of Hormonal Birth Control

Hormonal birth control or HBC, as I like to refer to it, has a long list of side effects that not enough people talk about. I certainly was not warned about the increased risk of depression, migraines, or breast cancer risk. If you’re wondering what hormonal birth control includes, I wrote a blog post on all […]
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Thyroid Health Part-3: Gut Health, Treatment, & Nutrition

In this thyroid health series, we have gone over the Thyroid Basics (part-1) and the impacts of Stress, Cycles & the Pill (part-2) on thyroid function. Be sure to check those out for more helpful information. Here, in part-3, we will look into how the gut affects the thyroid and also the types of treatment […]
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Thyroid Health Part-2: Stress, Cycles & the Pill

 In Part-1 of this thyroid health series, we discussed the basics of thyroid health.  We covered what the thyroid is, how it works, and why you should care.  In part-2, I will provide insight into how stress, your menstrual cycle, and birth control pills impact your thyroid health. How does stress impact thyroid function? If […]
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