Author: Amanda

How To Know If You’re Eating Enough

One of the most foundational ways to support your hormones is to eat enough food. I often get asked how someone can know if they are eating enough. There are a number of signs our bodies give us when we aren’t eating enough:-Low/inconsistent energy-Poor appetite/hunger/cravings-Anxiety-Constipation-Feeling cold frequently-Difficulty falling and staying asleep-Hair loss-Irregular cycles/missing period-Irritability/mood changes-Unable […]
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Understanding the Importance of Macros Without Obsession

I think we all know someone that has tracked their macros or maybe you’ve even done it yourself (I definitely have), but that’s not what I’m talking about in this newsletter. I want to breakdown the science behind macros and share the importance of balancing them for healthy hormones. To be clear, I don’t think […]
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Have you done a lot of lab testing but still don’t feel better?

Raise your hand if you’ve done dozens of lab tests but still haven’t figured out why you don’t feel your best! Don’t get me wrong, I love lab testing. The lab testing isn’t the problem. It’s typically that each lab is coming from a different company/practitioner and is looking at each system of the body […]
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How to Naturally Increase Progesterone

I wrote a guest blog post for Saalt Co about what your period is trying to tell you based on symptoms and length. It was so great to see so many women reading and connecting with their cycles! One of the most common questions I got was how to naturally increase progesterone. And to be honest, this […]
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Supporting Energy Use In The Body

I’ve pretty much tried every diet out there as I’m sure you can relate. When I first found Paleo and then went on to participate in two research studies at the University of Connecticut as part of my Dietetics program, I became hyper aware of one macronutrient group specifically: carbohydrates. And I’ll be honest, I’m […]
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Becoming More Resilient To Stress

A big focus in the hormone balance world is stress. ⁣This is for good reason since stress has a significant impact on our hormones because of how it changes how the body functions. ⁣ ⁣ The idea of stress has been around for a long time. Hans Selye presented his theories and research on stress […]
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Do Minerals Affect Fertility?

If you’ve been trying to conceive but haven’t been successful, it can be pretty devastating. There are a number of factors that contribute to infertility issues and difficulty conceiving. One reason could be that you are not ovulating. Another issue could be that you have low levels of progesterone and/or a sluggish thyroid. Many times, […]
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15 Foods that Provide Essential Minerals to a Woman’s Body

One solution to improving your health is by consuming mineral- and nutrient-rich foods. Minerals and vitamins are an important part of maintaining health and wellness. A woman’s body experiences multiple changes throughout her life, and also on a monthly basis. These changes can be hormonal, mental, and physical. This causes the need for specific nutrients. […]
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Mineral Deficiencies and Menopause: What You Need to Know

Across the country, women who are experiencing menopause are turning to natural remedies to help minimize their symptoms. And while there are many different options available, one that is widely overlooked is the role minerals play in the body. Mineral deficiencies can actually make menopause symptoms more severe, so it’s important to ensure that you’re […]
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