Author: Amanda

The Importance of a Healthy Nervous System For Healing

You’re going along on your healing journey–eating nourishing foods, fueling your body fully, and prioritizing YOU. You’re feeling pretty good, but something is still off. This is often unique to the individual and is something from their past. A common one I see is anxious thoughts and worrying about things coming up again. An example […]
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3 Tips for Low Sodium and Potassium on a Hair Mineral Test

One of the most common patterns I see on hair mineral tests is low sodium and potassium. If you’re wondering how you can improve these minerals, I have 3 tips for you! 1. Increase sodium and potassium-rich foods at the same time. These two minerals work closely together. If we only increase sodium-rich foods like […]
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Is “Clean Eating” Hurting Your Hormones?

One of the most common descriptors I hear women use when explaining their day-to-day food intake is “I eat clean.” This brings up many feelings for me. The strongest one is confusion because how I view eating clean could be completely different from what someone is referring to. Also, what does it mean to eat […]
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Oxygen, CO2 and How They Impact Our Health

I’ve always been drawn to breathwork. I got trained in HeartMath and heart-focused breathing then went on to learn the Wim Hof Method. This past week I was lucky enough to have Alyssa Chang, brain-based health and movement coach, teach a class for my Healthy Period Protocol ladies on the brain and how this impacts […]
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Potassium’s Impact on Bone Health and Blood Sugar

What doesn’t potassium do? It can help support our bones by reducing the amount of calcium we lose in the urine. It’s also an important part of storing glucose as glycogen in our liver. This may not seem like a huge deal, but we need to have glycogen stores in order to keep our blood […]
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Zinc & Gut Health

Zinc impacts our gut health in 3 major ways: 1. Zinc is important for healthy stomach acid production and release. Zinc is highly concentrated in our parietal cells, which secrete stomach acid and intrinsic factor (helps us absorb B12). We use zinc along with other minerals like sodium and potassium to make stomach acid. Zinc […]
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Is It Really Low Estrogen?

If you’ve gotten your hormones tested and were expecting to see high estrogen due to common excess estrogen symptoms (acne, PMS, mood changes, weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, painful/heavy periods, sluggish thyroid, etc.), but were surprised to see it was actually low, this post is for you. I cannot tell you how many clients I’ve […]
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What Drives Mineral Depletion & Imbalances

In order to optimize our mineral status, we have to understand what drives mineral loss and imbalances in the first place. Our Inherited Health:We inherit our nutrition and health status at birth from our parents, especially our moms, which means we will inherit their nutrient deficiencies as well. Nutrition:We can experience a lack of nutrient-dense […]
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Three Ways To Test Minerals

I wrapped up Season 4 of the Are You Menstrual? Podcast with a recap on each mineral deep dive that was discussed throughout the season. If you didn’t get a chance to listen to all of the mineral deep dive episodes, I hope this recap inspires you to learn more about each one and inspires […]
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Good Energy Production = Good Moods

I talk a lot about metabolism and thyroid function since it’s such an important part of healthy hormones. Our metabolism is how our bodies make energy. According to Dr. Aviva Romm, “It’s thought that millions of women are walking around with low thyroid function and don’t know it, causing symptoms of depression, and more. As […]
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