Author: Amanda

Zinc & Gut Health

Zinc impacts our gut health in 3 major ways: 1. Zinc is important for healthy stomach acid production and release. Zinc is highly concentrated in our parietal cells, which secrete stomach acid and intrinsic factor (helps us absorb B12). We use zinc along with other minerals like sodium and potassium to make stomach acid. Zinc […]
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Is It Really Low Estrogen?

If you’ve gotten your hormones tested and were expecting to see high estrogen due to common excess estrogen symptoms (acne, PMS, mood changes, weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, painful/heavy periods, sluggish thyroid, etc.), but were surprised to see it was actually low, this post is for you. I cannot tell you how many clients I’ve […]
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What Drives Mineral Depletion & Imbalances

In order to optimize our mineral status, we have to understand what drives mineral loss and imbalances in the first place. Our Inherited Health:We inherit our nutrition and health status at birth from our parents, especially our moms, which means we will inherit their nutrient deficiencies as well. Nutrition:We can experience a lack of nutrient-dense […]
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Three Ways To Test Minerals

I wrapped up Season 4 of the Are You Menstrual? Podcast with a recap on each mineral deep dive that was discussed throughout the season. If you didn’t get a chance to listen to all of the mineral deep dive episodes, I hope this recap inspires you to learn more about each one and inspires […]
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Good Energy Production = Good Moods

I talk a lot about metabolism and thyroid function since it’s such an important part of healthy hormones. Our metabolism is how our bodies make energy. According to Dr. Aviva Romm, “It’s thought that millions of women are walking around with low thyroid function and don’t know it, causing symptoms of depression, and more. As […]
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The Connection Between PCOS & Iron Overload

Did you know there are many similarities between hemochromatosis (iron overload) and PCOS? There are many similarities between the two conditions, including insulin resistance (iron overload causes insulin resistance), increase body fat percentage, fatty liver disease, infertility, and high androgens (testosterone). When you do a quick take you might be shocked by how similar the […]
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What To Do If You Don’t Feel Better Taking Thyroid Meds

Like many of the women I work with, I took thyroid medication for a hypothyroid diagnosis and I did not feel better. At first, I felt even worse. Many women that are experiencing hypothyroid symptoms don’t have the energy or mineral resources to back up an increase in metabolism (which is what you’re doing when […]
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The Relationship Between Cortisol and Estrogen

The majority of my clients struggle with estrogen dominant symptoms such as acne, hair loss, weight gain/difficulty losing weight, waking at night, low blood sugars, hypothyroidism, heavy, painful periods, bloating, and so much more. It can be hard to decipher where these symptoms come from since they can all seem like they stem from different […]
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Strawberry Lemonade Adrenal Cocktail

I made this Strawberry Lemonade Adrenal Cocktail for my daughter’s birthday party a while back and it was so good I had to share. Here’s what you need:-12 lemons, juiced (about 2 cups)-1lb of strawberries, hulled-32oz coconut water-1 tbsp of sea salt Here’s how you make it:1. Juice your lemons and add to a large […]
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Getting Back to the Basics for Healthy Hormones

I’ve written quite a bit about stress this past week on Instagram and whenever I dig into this topic, I get lots of questions around what people can do, supplements they can take, etc. to help combat stress. Here’s the deal, stress is often viewed as a thing, but it’s really a response within the […]
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