Author: Amanda

Getting to the Root Cause of Low Stomach Acid

One aspect of gut health that I see a lot of women struggle with is stomach acid levels and digestion in general. Having adequate levels of stomach acid is crucial for our gut and overall health for the following reasons: 1. It’s our first line of defense against pathogens in the gut. 2. It ensures […]
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What to Know About Hirsutism

We get so many question from clients and followers alike about hirsutism, aka excessive hair growth in inconvenient places, who want to know why it’s happening to them and what can be done about it. And I get it! I myself struggled with hirsutism for years leading up to and after my PCOS diagnosis, and […]
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Cycle Syncing 101, Pt. 2: How to Support Each Phase

In Cycle Syncing 101, Pt. 1, we started a two-part series on cycle-syncing—in which we covered what it is, how it works, and the basic tenets of each phase of your cycle. To conclude the series, we’ll discuss how you’ll most likely feel during each phase and how best to support them. Again, let’s start […]
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How to use food to support your gut health

In this blog post we are digging into what foods you can use to provide support for your gut health. I divided this up into 5 main categories:1. Digestion2. Detoxification3. Beneficial bacteria4. Gut lining/integrity5. Immune system One important thing to note is that we have to be eating enough in order for us to benefit […]
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How to make chili more nutrient dense

Chili is a nutrient dense meal already with ingredients like tomatoes (great source of potassium), beans (great source of potassium, calcium, and folate), and beef (great source of protein, zinc, iron, and potassium), but there are a few ways you can add even more minerals to this recipe. I like to add cacao powder (for […]
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Cycle Syncing 101, Pt. 1: The Different Phases of Your Cycle

I’m sure by now that most of you have probably heard the term “cycle syncing” thrown about once or twice, and if you’re big into the wellness scene, you might consider yourself an expert. This surprisingly ancient approach to women’s health is having a moment these days, something I couldn’t be happier about—I’m fascinated by […]
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How to Properly Prepare Beans

Have you ever experienced bloating or gas following a meal with beans? That is often because the beans are not prepared properly. Soaking beans overnight helps break down some of the starch that can lead to gas. Soaking also provides the added benefit of more bioavailable minerals since it helps reduce the phytic acid content. […]
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Mindful Light Exposure

We spend the majority of our lives surrounded by light. Sometimes it’s blue light from a screen or LED lights in our home and sometimes it’s light from the sun. Whether or not you struggle with sleep, your exposure to blue light matters. Blue light is beneficial during the day. It wakes us up during […]
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How Can I Get Calcium if I Can’t Tolerate Dairy?

One question I get a lot is how can I get calcium if I can’t tolerate dairy? Calcium is one of our macro minerals and is important for many different aspects of our health, including regulating our nervous system, blood sugar balance, thyroid health, bone health, and so much more. When you think about how […]
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Functional vs Normal Lab Ranges

Have you ever had your blood work come back totally normal despite not feeling well? I see this a lot and I think much of it has to do with using normal lab ranges vs. functional ranges. What Are “Normal” Ranges Based Off Of?The reference ranges for different markers can vary from lab to lab, […]
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