Do Minerals Affect Fertility?

8 Most Essential Minerals for Women and How they Help

Acne Goes Beyond Hormones

The topic of acne is near and dear to my heart since it has been something I’ve struggled with since I was about 13. I took antibiotics, went on the pill, and [...]
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Nursing Muffins Recipe

One of the best things I do for myself every week is make these nursing muffins. Becoming a Mom has made it difficult to eat first thing. Every morning I wake up [...]
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You Know What Your Baby Needs

Although it may not always feel like it, you know what your baby needs. That baby was connected to you for nine months and just because they are earthside, doesn’t change anything. [...]
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Breastfeeding & Your Cycle

One of the most common questions we got after the podcast episode about breastfeeding with Therese Dansby was around ecological breastfeeding and when your cycle will return.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀When we are breastfeeding, prolactin is [...]
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Boron & Your Hormones

Many minerals can have a profound impact on hormone health, but boron not only impacts estrogen and testosterone, but also something called steroid hormone binding globulin or SHBG. SHBG is a protein [...]
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