Author: Amanda

Helpful Data Tracking

Our bodies are continually communicating with us. From how we sleep, our appetite, energy level, digestion, mood, to our periods and monthly cycles. There is so much information at our fingertips that we could use to guide our nutrition and lifestyle choices. One way to help guide your choices is data tracking.  What is health […]
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Nutrition Myth Busters: Hormone Health

Do you consider yourself up-to-date on the latest nutrition trends? Does the searching for nutrition information leave you looking confused? Trust me; you are not alone. With the worldwide web literally at our fingertips, we have access to an overwhelming amount of information. One source says one thing, while another says something completely different. Our […]
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The Many Benefits of Red Light Therapy

In my most recent blog post, I discussed the effects of blue light exposure. I even mentioned how red light therapy could reduce blue light exposure. Today, I will enlighten you on other benefits of red light therapy. I talk about using red light therapy quite a bit in my Instagram stories since I have […]
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Blue Light Exposure

Whether or not you struggle with sleep, your exposure to blue light matters. Blue light is beneficial during the day. It wakes us up during daylight hours, keeps us alert, gives us energy, boosts mood, etc. Once the sun goes down, though, many of us continue exposure to blue light with lights in our home […]
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Minerals Part-2: Power Punchers

In my most recent blog, Minerals Part-1: Mechanics, I introduced the first level of minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. I detailed how each of these minerals plays a role in your body and why they are essential to your health. If you missed it, be sure to check it out. In this post, part-2 […]
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Minerals Part-1: Mechanics

There are seven essential nutrients needed by the human body, meaning we need them in our diet. Minerals, along with vitamins, make up the essential nutrient group known as micronutrients. These nutrients are named “micro” because the body does not require as much of them when compared to macronutrients–carbs, protein, and fat. What makes minerals […]
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The Liver: Hormone Superhero

Some of the most common questions I get are around premenstrual symptoms (PMS) like acne, bloating, extreme fatigue, weight gain, etc.  While we can try to generalize what possible hormone imbalances are present, I think the most helpful thing to do is zoom out and focus on what could be exacerbating this.  When we think […]
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Saturated Fat: Friend or Foe?

For so long, we have been warned against consuming saturated fats. Are they really the villain they are made out to be when it comes to our health? You might be surprised to hear this, but no, they are not. In fact, saturated fats are very stable. Think about it–they are solid at room temperature […]
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Tune Your Metabolism To Balance Hormones

I hit some trigger points in one of my Instagram posts, where I recommended eating every 3-5 hours. I was expecting some push back, but not nasty comments (I deleted them; I can’t waste energy on rude people when I am on a mission to educate as many women as possible). Of course, I have […]
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Stress & Metabolism: Compensation

I get a lot of questions about how to balance hormones.  While it is helpful to have specific lab results, information from cycle tracking, and a food journal, what’s also important is to understand where the heck hormone imbalance starts in the first place. Our bodies want to be healthy and in homeostasis (balance), but […]
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