Author: Amanda

Supporting The Body During A Stressful Time

While there are millions of posts telling you to eat certain foods to boost your immune system, I’m going to recommend focusing on reducing stress. Why? When our minds and bodies are stressed, this down regulates our immune system. This means that reducing stress can actually support your immune system health and function in the […]
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Optimizing Your Nutrition For Healing

I often get asked about what diet is best for our hormones and honestly if feels like a really hard question to answer since it’s usually coming from someone that isn’t a client. The best diet for your hormones will be relative, but I do think there are things we can all do to reduce […]
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How To Have An Enjoyable Period

I recently did a few different podcast interviews and periods always come up (of course!). One other theme I saw was the mention of how inconvenient periods are no matter what. We did chat about menstrual cups and period panties though, which was really cool. But even with these helpful period products, the consensus was still that […]
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Normal vs. Abnormal Shifts Before Your Period

Most of us have been taught that our periods are not a fun time. They are painful, messy, and something to be dreaded. This is definitely the messaging I got as a young girl and something I still see memes about all over the internet today. The reason this messaging is harmful is because while […]
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Gut Issues Without Symptoms–What Is Your Cycle Trying To Tell You?

I’ve talked quite a bit about gut health and how it impacts our hormones. One thing I want to dig into more is gut issues without symptoms. This article that discusses a research study that found pathogenic strains of E. coli in the urine of women without UTI symptoms. They looked into their gut bacteria and found […]
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3 Steps to Start Your Digital Minimalism Journey

It’s pretty crazy when you start to evaluate how often you use your phone and how often picking up your phone for one thing automatically leads to opening up a social media app. The trip down the rabbit hole begins.  What if we started paying more attention to how we use our phones, how we […]
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Learning to Embrace Rest

I’m going to be honest.. I’m not great at embracing rest. I’ve gotten A LOT better, but I have had to literally change my entire life and mindset around in order to do this.  I grew up with two really hardworking parents. I was taught that you had to work incredibly hard to live a […]
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5 Steps to Gut Healing

Healing your hormones is not as simple as taking a supplement, but requires an investigative approach that includes the gut (even if gut symptoms may not be present). ⁣⁣⁣​​⁣⁣⁣​​I thought I’d go into what it looks like to actually take action on healing the gut since one of the biggest mistakes I see when it […]
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Filtering Your Water for Hormone Health

When looking to reduce your toxic exposure and balance minerals for hormone health, a great place to start is your water. ⁣ Why? Because there can be many contaminants, heavy metals, and more in our water and our water is poorly regulated in the U.S. ⁣The Safe Water Drinking Act is what enforces what’s allowed […]
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Eating For Hormone Health

My original post for this image was called “Simple PCOS Plate” and you can absolutely eat this way if you have PCOS, but this also applies to all of us.  ​⁣⁣What makes up a Happy Hormone Plate? Quality Protein: When we eat protein we break it down into amino acids, which are used to build muscle, […]
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