Author: Amanda

The Relationship Between Cortisol and Estrogen

The majority of my clients struggle with estrogen dominant symptoms such as acne, hair loss, weight gain/difficulty losing weight, waking at night, low blood sugars, hypothyroidism, heavy, painful periods, bloating, and so much more. It can be hard to decipher where these symptoms come from since they can all seem like they stem from different […]
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Strawberry Lemonade Adrenal Cocktail

I made this Strawberry Lemonade Adrenal Cocktail for my daughter’s birthday party a while back and it was so good I had to share. Here’s what you need:-12 lemons, juiced (about 2 cups)-1lb of strawberries, hulled-32oz coconut water-1 tbsp of sea salt Here’s how you make it:1. Juice your lemons and add to a large […]
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Getting Back to the Basics for Healthy Hormones

I’ve written quite a bit about stress this past week on Instagram and whenever I dig into this topic, I get lots of questions around what people can do, supplements they can take, etc. to help combat stress. Here’s the deal, stress is often viewed as a thing, but it’s really a response within the […]
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Getting To The Root Of Headaches & Migraines

Headaches and migraines can be debilitating and are very common symptoms of the women I work with. I used to experience hormonal headaches during ovulation and right before my period for many years, especially when I had the copper IUD and was struggling with estrogen dominance. There are a number of different root causes of […]
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Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Fruit

A while back, two large podcasts had guests saying awful things about fruit. Things like fruit causes cancer and fatty liver disease; fruit is worse than a candy bar. This is INSANE. Please do not be afraid of fruit. I go into many of the benefits of fruit below, but first, I want to break […]
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Pineapple Lime Adrenal Cocktail

Another delicious summer adrenal cocktail recipe! After I made the strawberry lemonade one, I knew pineapple was next up. The purpose of the adrenal cocktail is to provide support via important electrolytes sodium and potassium, which are much better absorbed together as well as whole food vitamin C. ⁣By giving your adrenals what they need […]
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Watermelon Mint Adrenal Cocktail

I’m continuing my summer adrenal cocktail kick with the next most requested flavor: watermelon! I feel like I should be on a beach with this one 🏖 The purpose of the adrenal cocktail is to provide support via important electrolytes sodium and potassium, which are much better absorbed together as well as whole food vitamin […]
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Stress is one of the major depleters of minerals.

Our brain & nervous system are always on the lookout to make sure we are safe. This is a subconscious process called neuroception where they are scanning our environment. When our brain senses a stressor, our hypothalamus is alerted and it kicks off a cascade of events that are all part of the stress response. […]
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Struggling with period pain?

Just because something is common doesn’t mean that it’s normal. Take period problems, for example. Each month, many women suffer through what they think is a normal part of their cycle, like bloating and other digestive issues, headaches, fatigue, and the excruciating pain that comes with their period. Other women experience it as well, so […]
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Enjoying the Process of Healing Hormones

When I first started trying to balance my hormones after coming off the pill, I looked for immediate results. I lost my period for over six months; my acne significantly worsened, I had no energy and felt like a shell of myself. I was continually trying a new way of eating, a new supplement, getting […]
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