Author: Amanda

A Brain Based Approach To Healing

What is a brain-based approach to healing? brain-based coach, Alyssa Chang, describes it as the following: “A brain-based approach to healing looks at everything from a nervous system perspective with the understanding that our brain and body are always trying to orient us more toward safety and survival.” The best way to describe a brain-based […]
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Understanding Blood Sugar & How To Support Balance

You have likely heard me talk about balancing blood sugar and how helpful this is for our hormones, thyroid and reducing overall stress on the body many times. Blood sugar balance is a key pillar for supporting your long-term hormone health. But what does it mean? That’s what we are going to dig into today! […]
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Nutrition is one of the top ways to reduce stress within the body

Stress is often viewed as a thing, but it’s really a response within the body. ⁣⁣Gabor Mate gives this great description of stress in his book, When The Body Says No:⁣⁣“Stress is a biological process, a wide-ranging set of events in the body, irrespective of cause or of subjective awareness. Stress consists of the internal […]
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The Gut-Eczema Connection

On the are you menstrual? podcast I interviewed Christa Biegler about the connection between skin health and gut health. Even more specifically, we dove deep into eczema, which is what Christa specializes in. Many of my clients struggle with eczema, especially during the healing journey, but it hadn’t hit as close to home until I […]
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Stress Equals Energy Loss

When the body is under stress, it uses up more energy in order to carry out our stress response and give us the best chance at responding to whatever the threat is. Many of us are already dealing with slowed energy production aka a slow metabolism. This is often related to chronic mental or physical […]
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Its not the stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it

Are you resilient to stress? I used to handle stress very poorly. Loud noises would make me jump, I cried easily, took offense to everything, and generally felt exhausted. This made me feel crazy because I was doing so much for my health. Why was nothing enough? Turns out, I was doing too much. Intermittent […]
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How to Balance Estrogen and Progesterone

You’ve probably read a post or heard someone describing symptoms of excess estrogen and resonated with it. I know I have. However, high estrogen isn’t the main problem. Can reducing estrogen in your environment, beauty products, menstrual products, and home help your symptoms? Yes, and I think it’s a piece of the hormone imbalance puzzle, […]
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The absence of disease does not equal health

The World Health Organization defines health as the following: “health is not merely the absence of disease but also a state of complete physical, social, mental well-being.” I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. Just because we don’t have a diagnosis doesn’t necessarily mean we are healthy.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I think many people can relate to having symptoms, going […]
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Combatting Anxiety

It seems like everyone is battling some degree of anxiety these days, and when you look at all that’s going on in the world, combined with our constant bombardment of modern-day stressors AND the depleted state of our health, it’s not difficult to see why. I myself have been on the anxiety bandwagon for as […]
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3 examples of what can happen when you optimize your minerals

In this blog, I talked about Recommended Dietary Allowances or RDAs and how they were created from data based off of healthy people This is frustrating since many people have health conditions/concerns that they’d like to address using nutrition, but if following the RDAs they may not be able to achieve that goal. In this […]
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