Author: Amanda

Stress Management and PCOS: How stress affects your hormones

The connection between stress and your hormones is no secret, but the effects of stress on the management of polycystic ovarian syndrome are something that we don’t talk about nearly as much as we should. I’ve found, though, that reducing stress is essential for long term management of symptoms related to polycystic ovarian syndrome and […]
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Understanding PCOS: Part 3 – The Pill

When women find themselves diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), one of the first treatment options they’re often offered is the pill. And, it’s no surprise – hormonal birth control is the most common treatment for PCOS within conventional medicine.  But, it may not be the best.  If you haven’t read my first post on […]
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Understanding PCOS: Part 4 – Lifestyle

Understanding polycystic ovarian syndrome isn’t just about understanding the symptoms and medication options. It’s also about understanding how this condition can affect your day to day life, and the things you can do to help alleviate symptoms on your own.  While there is no one size fits all approach, lifestyle changes, such as skin care […]
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Understanding PCOS: Part 2 – Insulin and PCOS

It’s easy for people to misunderstand polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, as simply a disease of the ovaries. But, as we know, it’s so much more than that (and, if you don’t know, be sure to check out part one in our Understanding PCOS series here).  PCOS is identified by three main criteria – delayed […]
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Understanding PCOS: Part 1 – What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

It’s a term you may have heard before, but with the amount of information swirling around the internet, it can be hard to define. And it’s understandable that you feel confused, overwhelmed, or downright lost when trying to understand it.  It’s polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, and it affects nearly one in every ten women […]
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Chocolate Coconut Collagen Bites

Looking for a balanced, tasty, and hormone supportive treat? These chocolate coconut collagen bites are going to be your new best friend. Not only are they a perfect balance of protein, carbs, and fats, but they contain metabolism boosting ingredients.  1. Coconut: coconut is one of my favorite functional foods. It contains MCT’s, specific type […]
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How To Transition Off Of Hormonal Birth Control

Are you nervous about getting off the pill or having an IUD removed? I get it. I’ve been there. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the knowledge that I have now when I came off the pill.  This led to me not getting a period for 10 months, developing Post Pill PCOS, and completely changed the trajectory […]
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