Author: Amanda

The ways mental and emotional stress can increase estrogen

In this post we are digging into mental and emotional stressors. When we experience excess stress over long periods we get an increase in cortisol. This leads to more cortisol binding proteins to bind to excess cortisol. Unfortunately, these also bind to progesterone leading to lower progesterone levels, higher cortisol, and high estrogen. Mental and […]
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Making Decisions On The Healing Journey Part 2!

In Part 1 of this topic we covered how to identify your main health concerns, establish a baseline, and assess your lifestyle. In this post I want to focus on choosing the most appropriate lab test based on your main concerns and then how to make a timeline to reassess and reflect. Before we jump […]
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How xenoestrogens can contribute to excess estrogen

Since 1979, the number of chemicals registered has grown by over 30%. There are over 80,000 chemicals that are registered in the US and less than 200 of them have been tested for safety. There are about 1,500 chemicals that have been identified as hormone disruptors (xenoestrogens) and they can work to disrupt hormones in […]
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Making Decisions On The Healing Journey Part 1

There are many different ways to go about healing. What I am going to share in this blog post is some guidance that you can apply to your situation, but please know that you don’t have to follow this exactly. I think it’s always important to listen to your intuition and what your body is […]
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Poor digestion and inflammation can increase estrogen

In this post we are digging into how our digestive health (or lack thereof) can lead to excess estrogen. Let’s start at the top. The actual process of making stomach acid, digestive enzymes, and bile is important for hormone health because:+ It helps us break down our food and absorb nutrients.+ Proper breakdown of food […]
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Meal Prep/Planning Strategy & Tips!

I want to start this off by saying there is no one perfect way to meal prep/plan. I have worked with hundreds of clients over the years and the approach we take to make eating balanced, nutrient dense meals easy is always different. I will be sharing two primary strategies in this blog post, but […]
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Hair Mineral Test Review!​

Time for a hair mineral test review! I always recommend starting with nutrition first and ensuring that you are eating enough, having balanced meals, and eating consistently. That in and of itself reduces a lot of stress in the body and can support digestion, gut health, thyroid, hormones, and liver detox. When it comes to […]
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Heavy Metals and Estrogen

Heavy metals can lead to higher estrogen levels. High levels of heavy metals such as uranium, arsenic, mercury, lead, and aluminum are a big stressor on the body. Not only can they mimic estrogen in the body, but they also lead to a lot more work for our detoxification organs, especially our kidneys and liver. […]
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Understanding GI Map Stool Testing Results​

Time to dig into stool testing! The GI Map from Diagnostic Solutions Lab is my preferred stool test, so that’s the one I’m going to be using images for and will be referring to throughout this newsletter. You can apply the concepts I discuss to all stool tests though. If you’re wondering where you can […]
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Gut Healing Gummies

Gelatin is an incredibly healing food that has been studied for hundreds of years because of its positive impact on health. It is best known for its improvement in digestion, decreased joint inflammation, supporting good sleep, increasing insulin sensitivity, healing the gut lining, and improving digestive capacity (how well we break down our food). Gelatin […]
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