Author: Amanda

How to make bone broth

How To Make Your Own Bone Broth 🦴⁣ It’s actually incredibly easy to make your own bone broth. You really can’t mess it up. Using a pressure cooker like the InstantPot saves a bunch of time too!⁣ Swipe the pictures below to learn how to make your own broth!⁣ You will notice the only flavor/seasoning […]
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Optimizing gut health for reintroduction

Step 1: Remove gut irritating foods.⁣⁣If you don’t react well to dairy, I’m guessing you have some other GI symptoms as well. ⁣⁣Giving your digestive system a break can be really helpful. As you embark on this process of gut healing, I recommend experimenting with the following:⁣⁣-Avoid raw veggies–aim for cooked veggies the majority of […]
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The Blood Sugar-Cholesterol Connection

Before I get into how our blood sugar can impact cholesterol, I want to first quickly cover what cholesterol is and what it does in our bodies. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that is transported throughout our bodies via the blood. This transportation is carried out by lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are round particles made of fat […]
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Gelatin & Digestion

In this post I want to expand a bit more on why I intentionally choose to eat gelatin on a regular basis. One of the main reasons is because of how gelatin improves our ability to digest food.⁣ One particularly fascinating thing about gelatin is its ability to attract and hold liquids. This allows it […]
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Supporting Your Nutrient Status Postpartum

When I think about how we can support our micronutrient status postpartum, it goes much deeper than just prioritizing certain foods and supplements. While those definitely help, we also have to take a look at our stress (which will inevitably be higher, but I think there are different ways to look at this), current lifestyle, […]
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Hormone friendly snacks

What is the key to a hormone friendly snack? 👉🏼 Reducing stress on the body. We can reduce stress on the body by providing it with what it needs to thrive: protein, fats, and carbs (AKA energy)!⁣ When the body doesn’t have enough energy ⁣(particularly carbohydrates), a stress response occurs and we break down our […]
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Understanding & Supporting Optimal Copper Levels

Copper is a nuanced mineral much like iron. Both are extremely important for our overall health, but we need to be using them properly in order to keep a proper balance in our bodies. Both minerals rely heavily on a protein called Ceruloplasmin (Cp). Ceruloplasmin is what transports copper around the body. This is what […]
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The importance of glucose in the body

What contributes to excess estrogen? Glucose is the body’s preferred fuel source. We will take fat or protein and turn it into glucose even if we aren’t getting enough glucose from our diet. This is called gluconeogenesis and occurs when our blood sugar drops too low, and the body needs glucose. We store glucose in […]
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Top 10 Most Common Mineral Imbalances

Many of the most common health complaints I hear from women are related to their mineral status. Both mineral deficiencies and excesses can lead to unwanted symptoms. If I had to choose the top ten most common mineral imbalances that I see that impact women’s health the most they would be the following: Calcium Calcium […]
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How mainstream diet advice reduces your resiliency

The key to healthy hormones long-term is to build a resilient body, which can handle stress. Stress isn’t all bad and can even often be beneficial for us. The issue most people have is that their body’s do not have the resources to respond to stress appropriately after years of being depleted. Stress depletes nutrients, […]
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