Category: Stress

Learning to Embrace Rest

I’m going to be honest.. I’m not great at embracing rest. I’ve gotten A LOT better, but I have had to literally change my entire life and mindset around in order to do this.  I grew up with two really hardworking parents. I was taught that you had to work incredibly hard to live a […]
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Increasing Your Awareness To Reduce Your Stress

If you’re trying to heal hormonal imbalances, you have to address your stress. It’s very tempting to want to take a new supplement or start a new diet and think it will solve everything. ⁣ Unfortunately, this isn’t how our hormones work. ⁣Stress directly impacts hormone production. ⁣ When our bodies experience a stressor (all […]
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How to Eat More Nutrient Dense Foods

If you’ve been getting my Feminine Periodical, reading my blogs, or following me on social media for a while now, then you know that I am a bit obsessed with minerals.  I do hair mineral testing with all of my clients, and you can always find me cuddled up with a research article on minerals […]
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Slowing Down To Speed Up

Are you always doing?  Do you find yourself moving from one thing to the next with little white space just to sit and be?  Are you eating while doing other things?  Are you always worrying that you are not doing enough? Continually checking things off your to-do list and still not feeling satisfied?  Does the […]
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Why Does My Thyroid Look Normal But I Have Clear Hypothyroid Symptoms?

Do you google your symptoms and get the answer of hypothyroidism?  You then ask your doctor to test your thyroid, and everything comes back “normal.”  Frustrating right?  How is it possible to have such evident thyroid dysfunction, but have it appear normal on lab work? The answer is that your body is compensating. Our bodies […]
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Hormone Health On A Cellular Level

Balancing your hormones is a complex topic.  There are so many factors that influence hormone levels.  Hormone health is more than just looking at your estrogen and progesterone levels and trying to balance them out.  Do not get me wrong; they are both essential for hormone health; however, we cannot just focus on lowering estrogen […]
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How Often Should I Eat?

There is a lot of controversy around whether you should eat more frequently, only eat three meals and a snack, never snack, or do full-on intermittent fasting. My general recommendation for most people is to eat every 3 to 4 hours. However, I want to emphasize that the number of meals an individual should consume […]
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Blue Light Exposure

Whether or not you struggle with sleep, your exposure to blue light matters. Blue light is beneficial during the day. It wakes us up during daylight hours, keeps us alert, gives us energy, boosts mood, etc. Once the sun goes down, though, many of us continue exposure to blue light with lights in our home […]
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Stress & Metabolism: Compensation

I get a lot of questions about how to balance hormones.  While it is helpful to have specific lab results, information from cycle tracking, and a food journal, what’s also important is to understand where the heck hormone imbalance starts in the first place. Our bodies want to be healthy and in homeostasis (balance), but […]
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Stress Management and PCOS: How stress affects your hormones

The connection between stress and your hormones is no secret, but the effects of stress on the management of polycystic ovarian syndrome are something that we don’t talk about nearly as much as we should. I’ve found, though, that reducing stress is essential for long term management of symptoms related to polycystic ovarian syndrome and […]
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