Category: Stress

The Relationship Between Cortisol and Estrogen

The majority of my clients struggle with estrogen dominant symptoms such as acne, hair loss, weight gain/difficulty losing weight, waking at night, low blood sugars, hypothyroidism, heavy, painful periods, bloating, and so much more. It can be hard to decipher where these symptoms come from since they can all seem like they stem from different […]
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Stress is one of the major depleters of minerals.

Our brain & nervous system are always on the lookout to make sure we are safe. This is a subconscious process called neuroception where they are scanning our environment. When our brain senses a stressor, our hypothalamus is alerted and it kicks off a cascade of events that are all part of the stress response. […]
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Is Doing Too Much To Heal Your Hormones Working Against You?

This is something I’ve been pondering a lot lately. I often hear from clients and women that reach out to me online that they are doing everything they can think of to balance their hormones, but somehow they are still feeling awful for at least half the month and have unpleasant periods. So what gives? […]
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Common attributes of fast metabolic types

80% of people that complete a hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) are slow metabolic types, yet I see just as many fast metabolic type tests for Master Your Minerals course students as slow. Common attributes of fast metabolic types:-addicted to stress-type A-seeking control of their health-going from protocol to protocol-very data-driven Why do I see […]
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Becoming More Resilient To Stress

A big focus in the hormone balance world is stress. ⁣This is for good reason since stress has a significant impact on our hormones because of how it changes how the body functions. ⁣ ⁣ The idea of stress has been around for a long time. Hans Selye presented his theories and research on stress […]
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How Do Minerals Affect Your Mood?

Wondering if minerals can help your mental health and mood? Minerals play an important role in keeping the systems of our body healthy and functioning at their best. This includes the nervous system and the endocrine system, both of which play a big role in how we think, feel and our mental well-being. The negative […]
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Supporting The Body During A Stressful Time

While there are millions of posts telling you to eat certain foods to boost your immune system, I’m going to recommend focusing on reducing stress. Why? When our minds and bodies are stressed, this down regulates our immune system. This means that reducing stress can actually support your immune system health and function in the […]
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3 Steps to Start Your Digital Minimalism Journey

It’s pretty crazy when you start to evaluate how often you use your phone and how often picking up your phone for one thing automatically leads to opening up a social media app. The trip down the rabbit hole begins.  What if we started paying more attention to how we use our phones, how we […]
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Learning to Embrace Rest

I’m going to be honest.. I’m not great at embracing rest. I’ve gotten A LOT better, but I have had to literally change my entire life and mindset around in order to do this.  I grew up with two really hardworking parents. I was taught that you had to work incredibly hard to live a […]
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