Category: Stress

You Can’t Heal In The Same Environment That Made You Sick

You might read that and think physical environment, but I’m actually talking more about your mental environment. Our brains play a huge role in our health and the healing process. We can change our nutrition, supplements, movement, and even our physical environment. However, if our brain is still operating in a way that is constantly […]
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You Know What Your Baby Needs

Although it may not always feel like it, you know what your baby needs. That baby was connected to you for nine months and just because they are earthside, doesn’t change anything. There is a lot of information out there on every single thing you could ever consider Googling postpartum, especially in the early days. […]
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A Supportive Community & Connection Heals

While I think we have to address the way we eat, I believe that having support and a community behind you is often left out of the equation. According to several studies (and my own experience), the “secret” to healing is a strong community. Yep, you read that right: Having a social network or a […]
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What you Can Learn From an HTMA

If you listened my Mineral Testing episode on the Are You Menstrual? Podcast episode, you know hair mineral testing is my favorite way to assess mineral status. There are two big reasons:1. It has been a transformational test for myself and my clients.2. It gives you A LOT of information on one test and is […]
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The Importance of a Healthy Nervous System For Healing

You’re going along on your healing journey–eating nourishing foods, fueling your body fully, and prioritizing YOU. You’re feeling pretty good, but something is still off. This is often unique to the individual and is something from their past. A common one I see is anxious thoughts and worrying about things coming up again. An example […]
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Oxygen, CO2 and How They Impact Our Health

I’ve always been drawn to breathwork. I got trained in HeartMath and heart-focused breathing then went on to learn the Wim Hof Method. This past week I was lucky enough to have Alyssa Chang, brain-based health and movement coach, teach a class for my Healthy Period Protocol ladies on the brain and how this impacts […]
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The Relationship Between Cortisol and Estrogen

The majority of my clients struggle with estrogen dominant symptoms such as acne, hair loss, weight gain/difficulty losing weight, waking at night, low blood sugars, hypothyroidism, heavy, painful periods, bloating, and so much more. It can be hard to decipher where these symptoms come from since they can all seem like they stem from different […]
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Stress is one of the major depleters of minerals.

Our brain & nervous system are always on the lookout to make sure we are safe. This is a subconscious process called neuroception where they are scanning our environment. When our brain senses a stressor, our hypothalamus is alerted and it kicks off a cascade of events that are all part of the stress response. […]
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Is Doing Too Much To Heal Your Hormones Working Against You?

This is something I’ve been pondering a lot lately. I often hear from clients and women that reach out to me online that they are doing everything they can think of to balance their hormones, but somehow they are still feeling awful for at least half the month and have unpleasant periods. So what gives? […]
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Common attributes of fast metabolic types

80% of people that complete a hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) are slow metabolic types, yet I see just as many fast metabolic type tests for Master Your Minerals course students as slow. Common attributes of fast metabolic types:-addicted to stress-type A-seeking control of their health-going from protocol to protocol-very data-driven Why do I see […]
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