Category: Stress

Blue Light Exposure

Whether or not you struggle with sleep, your exposure to blue light matters. Blue light is beneficial during the day. It wakes us up during daylight hours, keeps us alert, gives us energy, boosts mood, etc. Once the sun goes down, though, many of us continue exposure to blue light with lights in our home […]
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Stress & Metabolism: Compensation

I get a lot of questions about how to balance hormones.  While it is helpful to have specific lab results, information from cycle tracking, and a food journal, what’s also important is to understand where the heck hormone imbalance starts in the first place. Our bodies want to be healthy and in homeostasis (balance), but […]
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Stress Management and PCOS: How stress affects your hormones

The connection between stress and your hormones is no secret, but the effects of stress on the management of polycystic ovarian syndrome are something that we don’t talk about nearly as much as we should. I’ve found, though, that reducing stress is essential for long term management of symptoms related to polycystic ovarian syndrome and […]
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