Category: Period Health

My Vaginal Steaming Experience

You might be wondering what the HECK is vaginal steaming and how this practice is beneficial for hormone health. I felt the same way when I first learned about steaming. It felt like another thing to add to my to-do list, and I wasn’t sure how effective it would actually be. When I did some […]
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Breastfeeding & Your Cycle

One of the most common questions we got after the podcast episode about breastfeeding with Therese Dansby was around ecological breastfeeding and when your cycle will return.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀When we are breastfeeding, prolactin is high and estrogen and progesterone are low. This delays ovulation and can be used as birth control for the firs 6 months postpartum […]
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Cycle Syncing 101, Pt. 2: How to Support Each Phase

In Cycle Syncing 101, Pt. 1, we started a two-part series on cycle-syncing—in which we covered what it is, how it works, and the basic tenets of each phase of your cycle. To conclude the series, we’ll discuss how you’ll most likely feel during each phase and how best to support them. Again, let’s start […]
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Cycle Syncing 101, Pt. 1: The Different Phases of Your Cycle

I’m sure by now that most of you have probably heard the term “cycle syncing” thrown about once or twice, and if you’re big into the wellness scene, you might consider yourself an expert. This surprisingly ancient approach to women’s health is having a moment these days, something I couldn’t be happier about—I’m fascinated by […]
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Struggling with period pain?

Just because something is common doesn’t mean that it’s normal. Take period problems, for example. Each month, many women suffer through what they think is a normal part of their cycle, like bloating and other digestive issues, headaches, fatigue, and the excruciating pain that comes with their period. Other women experience it as well, so […]
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Period Pain Toolkit

Just because something is common doesn’t mean that it’s normal. Take period pain, for example. Each month, many women suffer through what they think is a normal part of their period, the excruciating pain that comes with their cycle. Other women experience it as well, so they never question whether or not the days or […]
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Can Minerals Help You Have Better Periods?

Are you a woman who experiences cramps, bloating, heavy bleeding, and other problems during your menstruation? If you’ve used ibuprofen, heating pads, or taken warm baths but experienced very few results, you’ll be happy to learn that there is another solution to menstruation issues. It’s essential to listen to your body. Symptoms are messages from […]
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How To Have An Enjoyable Period

I recently did a few different podcast interviews and periods always come up (of course!). One other theme I saw was the mention of how inconvenient periods are no matter what. We did chat about menstrual cups and period panties though, which was really cool. But even with these helpful period products, the consensus was still that […]
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Normal vs. Abnormal Shifts Before Your Period

Most of us have been taught that our periods are not a fun time. They are painful, messy, and something to be dreaded. This is definitely the messaging I got as a young girl and something I still see memes about all over the internet today. The reason this messaging is harmful is because while […]
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Period Poverty Is Real

The average woman spends 2,535 days of her life menstruating. 🔴⁣​​⁣​​Menstruation is a healthy part of having a uterus. ⁣​​⁣​​Regardless of our financial or social situation, we must purchase or otherwise obtain access to enough pads/tampons/menstrual cups/period panties to bleed for nearly seven years of our life. 🤯⁣​​⁣​​This is why it is INSANE that period […]
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