Category: Minerals

Do Minerals Affect Fertility?

If you’ve been trying to conceive but haven’t been successful, it can be pretty devastating. There are a number of factors that contribute to infertility issues and difficulty conceiving. One reason could be that you are not ovulating. Another issue could be that you have low levels of progesterone and/or a sluggish thyroid. Many times, […]
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15 Foods that Provide Essential Minerals to a Woman’s Body

One solution to improving your health is by consuming mineral- and nutrient-rich foods. Minerals and vitamins are an important part of maintaining health and wellness. A woman’s body experiences multiple changes throughout her life, and also on a monthly basis. These changes can be hormonal, mental, and physical. This causes the need for specific nutrients. […]
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Mineral Deficiencies and Menopause: What You Need to Know

Across the country, women who are experiencing menopause are turning to natural remedies to help minimize their symptoms. And while there are many different options available, one that is widely overlooked is the role minerals play in the body. Mineral deficiencies can actually make menopause symptoms more severe, so it’s important to ensure that you’re […]
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Understanding Minerals and their Role in Women’s Health

My hormones are out of whack. My PMS makes me depressed. My period gives me headaches. There’s plenty of issues that can arise within a woman’s body. Sometimes it can be extremely frustrating searching for answers. These issues can get in the way of living life, they can affect moods, cause pain, fertility issues and […]
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How Do Minerals Affect Your Mood?

Wondering if minerals can help your mental health and mood? Minerals play an important role in keeping the systems of our body healthy and functioning at their best. This includes the nervous system and the endocrine system, both of which play a big role in how we think, feel and our mental well-being. The negative […]
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Can Minerals Help You Have Better Periods?

Are you a woman who experiences cramps, bloating, heavy bleeding, and other problems during your menstruation? If you’ve used ibuprofen, heating pads, or taken warm baths but experienced very few results, you’ll be happy to learn that there is another solution to menstruation issues. It’s essential to listen to your body. Symptoms are messages from […]
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8 Most Essential Minerals for Women and How they Help

There is often a lot of jargon thrown around when it comes to nutrition. You hear words like ‘minerals’ but no one ever talks about what they are or why they are important. In this article we are going to demystify minerals and what they do. Where are Minerals Absorbed in the Body? Minerals are […]
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What Is an Adrenal Cocktail?

A hormone supportive elixir or cocktail is a medicinal mixture that contributes to different systems in the body to support hormone balance. ⁣It’s important to note that elixirs are a bonus item, meaning if you are not eating enough and in balanced amounts, they likely will not be helpful. Food first, always!⁣ The purpose of […]
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Blood Sugar Dysregulation and Mineral Balance

The majority of conversations surrounding blood sugar issues like diabetes, hypoglycemia, and insulin resistance are focused on macronutrients.  The immediate reaction is to ask about the dietary balance of carbs, proteins, and fats, which can be partially misguided.  Balanced meals are an essential part of blood sugar balance and a crucial component of adrenal and […]
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Supporting Healthy Hair & Healing Hair Loss

As with most things related to women’s health, the topic of hair loss is complicated.  Rarely is there a sole reason for hair loss.  For example, hypothyroidism and inadequate thyroid hormone levels are among the most common causes of hair loss.  Does the underlying question then become what is causing the hypothyroidism?  More often than […]
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