Category: Metabolism

Understanding Your Metabolic Type

Your metabolic type is a specific measurement on the hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) that we use with clients. We are going to talk more about what it is and what it tells you about your health. Where Metabolic Typing Came From The concept of metabolic typing was first outlined by Melvin Page, D.D.S. of […]
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Nourishing Series Part 1: It’s Normal To Nourish Your Body

A common theme that comes up in my work with clients and the women in this community is being worried about eating too often, too much, or not at the right time. It’s almost like an abundance of food is bad, which I do understand. We live in a society that is obsessed with extremes […]
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Good Energy Production = Good Moods

I talk a lot about metabolism and thyroid function since it’s such an important part of healthy hormones. Our metabolism is how our bodies make energy. According to Dr. Aviva Romm, “It’s thought that millions of women are walking around with low thyroid function and don’t know it, causing symptoms of depression, and more. As […]
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Your Metabolic Type Tells A Story

Your metabolic type tells a story… There are 2 major metabolic types on a hair tissue mineral analysis (my favorite way to test minerals): 🏃🏻‍♀️Fast Metabolic Type: the person that is actively stressed and burning through mineral resources–this person is often addicted to stress. 🐌Slow Metabolic Type: the person that is moving toward depletion of […]
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How To Know If You’re Eating Enough

One of the most foundational ways to support your hormones is to eat enough food. I often get asked how someone can know if they are eating enough. There are a number of signs our bodies give us when we aren’t eating enough:-Low/inconsistent energy-Poor appetite/hunger/cravings-Anxiety-Constipation-Feeling cold frequently-Difficulty falling and staying asleep-Hair loss-Irregular cycles/missing period-Irritability/mood changes-Unable […]
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What’s Really Causing Your SIBO?

SIBO or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth is a condition where you have too much bacteria present in the small intestine.  This leads to excessive bloating, especially after meals.  It also causes constipation and a host of other health issues since digestion is essential for our overall health.  So, what does SIBO have to do with […]
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Is Intermittent Fasting Bad For Your Hormones?

I get asked about many types of diets, but intermittent fasting (IF) is probably the most frequent.  And I get it, the idea of not having to worry about food does sound kind of nice, but if the goal is to fix a hormone imbalance or support long term health, fasting isn’t the answer.  Can […]
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Slowing Down To Speed Up

Are you always doing?  Do you find yourself moving from one thing to the next with little white space just to sit and be?  Are you eating while doing other things?  Are you always worrying that you are not doing enough? Continually checking things off your to-do list and still not feeling satisfied?  Does the […]
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Why Does My Thyroid Look Normal But I Have Clear Hypothyroid Symptoms?

Do you google your symptoms and get the answer of hypothyroidism?  You then ask your doctor to test your thyroid, and everything comes back “normal.”  Frustrating right?  How is it possible to have such evident thyroid dysfunction, but have it appear normal on lab work? The answer is that your body is compensating. Our bodies […]
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