Category: Gut Health

Getting to the Root Cause of Low Stomach Acid

One aspect of gut health that I see a lot of women struggle with is stomach acid levels and digestion in general. Having adequate levels of stomach acid is crucial for our gut and overall health for the following reasons: 1. It’s our first line of defense against pathogens in the gut. 2. It ensures […]
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How to use food to support your gut health

In this blog post we are digging into what foods you can use to provide support for your gut health. I divided this up into 5 main categories:1. Digestion2. Detoxification3. Beneficial bacteria4. Gut lining/integrity5. Immune system One important thing to note is that we have to be eating enough in order for us to benefit […]
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Zinc & Gut Health

Zinc impacts our gut health in 3 major ways: 1. Zinc is important for healthy stomach acid production and release. Zinc is highly concentrated in our parietal cells, which secrete stomach acid and intrinsic factor (helps us absorb B12). We use zinc along with other minerals like sodium and potassium to make stomach acid. Zinc […]
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Should I work on my gut health before I address my minerals?

Answering another common question I get when it comes to supporting mineral levels: should I work on my gut health before I address my minerals? For most people, it’s best to work on minerals first. Digestive issues are stressful both physically and mentally. When we have a long history of gut issues, what often happens […]
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Constipation & Minerals Case Study

It can be so frustratingNot pooping… for days 🙃Going to bed uncomfortably bloated 😣Your gut is making you miserable 😩 Here’s the good news:The key to healing your gut is minerals 🔑 My client Sara is a Master Your Minerals course student who struggled with constipation, bloating and digestive issues the majority of her life. […]
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Why Food Sensitivities Are A Symptom Not The Root Problem

Today, we’re focusing on food sensitivities. We’ve all heard of food sensitivity testing and likely seen an ad or two telling us how uncovering your food sensitivities will solve your gut/health issues. The main problem with food sensitivity testing is that it looks at IgG antibodies that are a normal part of our immune system […]
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Gut Issues Without Symptoms–What Is Your Cycle Trying To Tell You?

I’ve talked quite a bit about gut health and how it impacts our hormones. One thing I want to dig into more is gut issues without symptoms. This article that discusses a research study that found pathogenic strains of E. coli in the urine of women without UTI symptoms. They looked into their gut bacteria and found […]
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5 Steps to Gut Healing

Healing your hormones is not as simple as taking a supplement, but requires an investigative approach that includes the gut (even if gut symptoms may not be present). ⁣⁣⁣​​⁣⁣⁣​​I thought I’d go into what it looks like to actually take action on healing the gut since one of the biggest mistakes I see when it […]
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How To Grow Broccoli Sprouts

My most popular youtube video is STILL the one of me showing you how to grow your own broccoli sprouts from like 2-3 years ago. ⁣ 🥦Why broccoli sprouts?⁣ 1. 3-4 day old broccoli sprouts have up to 100x the amount of sulforaphane as mature broccoli.⁣ 2. Sulforaphane is a potent cancer-fighting, detox boosting, and […]
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What’s Really Causing Your SIBO?

SIBO or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth is a condition where you have too much bacteria present in the small intestine.  This leads to excessive bloating, especially after meals.  It also causes constipation and a host of other health issues since digestion is essential for our overall health.  So, what does SIBO have to do with […]
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