Category: Gut Health

Gelatin & Digestion

In this post I want to expand a bit more on why I intentionally choose to eat gelatin on a regular basis. One of the main reasons is because of how gelatin improves our ability to digest food.⁣ One particularly fascinating thing about gelatin is its ability to attract and hold liquids. This allows it […]
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Optimizing gut health for reintroduction

Step 1: Remove gut irritating foods.⁣⁣If you don’t react well to dairy, I’m guessing you have some other GI symptoms as well. ⁣⁣Giving your digestive system a break can be really helpful. As you embark on this process of gut healing, I recommend experimenting with the following:⁣⁣-Avoid raw veggies–aim for cooked veggies the majority of […]
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Healing is not linear

For the sake of balancing your hormones and getting your period back on track, you’ve started making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle. You’ve been told that you should start seeing relief from your symptoms within a matter of weeks, but it’s been a month and you feel—well, frankly—like sh*t. Maybe your 🩸 is […]
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The Gut-Eczema Connection

On the are you menstrual? podcast I interviewed Christa Biegler about the connection between skin health and gut health. Even more specifically, we dove deep into eczema, which is what Christa specializes in. Many of my clients struggle with eczema, especially during the healing journey, but it hadn’t hit as close to home until I […]
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Optimizing Circadian Rhythm For Hormone Health

A circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats each day on a 24 hour cycle. It is most impacted by the light and dark cycles in our environment. Why Does Our Circadian Rhythm Matter For Our Hormones? Our circadian rhythm (CR) regulates our digestion, hormone production, metabolism, and […]
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4 steps to improving gallbladder function

If you want to improve gallbladder function and avoid getting your gallbladder removed, there are four key steps that @gallbladder.nutritionist went through when she joined me for an episode on the Are you menstrual? podcast. The biggest takeaway is that if you want to support your gallbladder, you have to support your liver. The first […]
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Possible Root Causes of Histamine Intolerance

In the Histamine intolerance 101 episode on the Are You Menstrual? Podcast we go through the 4 major root causes of histamine intolerance:-nutrient deficiencies-hormone imbalances-poor gut health-certain medications Let’s zoom in on nutrient deficiencies! Low levels of certain nutrients like copper, Vitamins A, B6, and C can lead to histamine build up along with excess […]
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Gut Health and Histamines

If you’ve listened to the Are You Menstrual? Podcast episode, Histamine Intolerance 101, then you already know how important gut health is to histamine issues. Not only does the bacteria in our gut impact histamine levels but they also impact our immune system, which is the key piece of the histamine puzzle. Scroll below to […]
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How do I Know if My Gut Needs Support

When I asked what this community wanted to learn more about in 2023, a topic that came up again and again was gut health and how to know when your gut might need support. I don’t think it’s ever a bad idea to support your gut, but there are certain populations that will likely require […]
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Getting to the Root Cause of Low Stomach Acid

One aspect of gut health that I see a lot of women struggle with is stomach acid levels and digestion in general. Having adequate levels of stomach acid is crucial for our gut and overall health for the following reasons: 1. It’s our first line of defense against pathogens in the gut. 2. It ensures […]
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