You Know What Your Baby Needs

Although it may not always feel like it, you know what your baby needs. That baby was connected to you for nine months and just because they are earthside, doesn’t change anything.

There is a lot of information out there on every single thing you could ever consider Googling postpartum, especially in the early days. Everyone has an opinion, which can make it really hard to know what the right decision is for your family.

When we were struggling with Eliana’s tongue and lip tie and breastfeeding I was so torn. I did a ton of research and it honestly felt like we could go either way–get the revision or not get it. Each side had a good argument. I was driving myself crazy and finally I had to tune everyone out and spend some time with just Eliana and think about it.

We had the revision scheduled but I had a gut feeling that she didn’t need it and that it wasn’t the solution we were looking for. I was scared to bring this up to my husband because he felt pretty strongly that she should get it but deep down I knew we couldn’t do it. We had the conversation, and I explained that I wanted to try less invasive treatment first, and just like that, we were all on the same page.

It’s over 4 months later and Eliana is thriving, my breast milk supply is still great, breastfeeding is pain-free (thank god) and we have a very healthy and happy girl. Her ties are visibly looser too–so cool!

This is not a blog post about tongue/lip ties. It’s a post about following your motherly instincts postpartum. Putting down the phone, stopping all of the internet searches, and taking time to tune into your baby and their needs. This isn’t about avoiding medical interventions either. There are absolutely cases where they are necessary, but more about empowerment. You as a mother know what the right decision is even if you don’t know that yet.

Here are some resources that may help you navigate motherhood and making decisions for your baby:

reminder: i’m currently taking on 1:1 clients. if you’d like to explore what it would be like to work together and if we are a good fit, fill out this form to get more details!​

Amanda Montalvo

Amanda Montalvo is a women's health dietitian who helps women find the root cause of hormone imbalances and regain healthy menstrual cycles.

Master Your Minerals

Created by
Hormone Healing RD

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