Category: Nutrition

The Power of Protein

There is a lot of talk about how important carbohydrates are for hormone health, which is true, but we can’t forget about protein.  The truth is, without quality protein to balance out carbohydrates, they aren’t as powerful to the body.  When we aren’t pairing protein and carbohydrates together, it’s like we are taking out a […]
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Copper Toxicity Misconceptions & Solutions

I often talk about the importance of copper concerning hormones, but I’ve been getting frequent questions surrounding copper toxicity over the last couple of years.  Copper toxicity has become a hot topic ever since women have begun responding negatively to the copper IUD.  I understand the concern about excess unavailable copper; however, copper isn’t all […]
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Vitamin E: The Real Hormone Balancing Supplement

I receive quite a few requests from supplement companies asking me to collaborate with them.  Before agreeing, I look at their website and research what is in their product.  More often than not, I’m left disappointed.  There is an insane amount of supplements out there that claim to promote hormone balance.  Usually, they are chock […]
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Supporting Healthy Hair & Healing Hair Loss

As with most things related to women’s health, the topic of hair loss is complicated.  Rarely is there a sole reason for hair loss.  For example, hypothyroidism and inadequate thyroid hormone levels are among the most common causes of hair loss.  Does the underlying question then become what is causing the hypothyroidism?  More often than […]
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How to Eat More Nutrient Dense Foods

If you’ve been getting my Feminine Periodical, reading my blogs, or following me on social media for a while now, then you know that I am a bit obsessed with minerals.  I do hair mineral testing with all of my clients, and you can always find me cuddled up with a research article on minerals […]
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How Gut Health Impacts Hormones

I often get women that come to me wanting hormone testing, and I totally understand why.  They are tired, have painful/heavy periods, irregular cycles, endometriosis, PCOS, etc., which are all related to hormones.  BUT, and that’s a big but, we need to think about what is causing these hormone imbalances.  This is where the digestive […]
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Gut Healing Gelatin

Gelatin has long since been studied and used for its therapeutic effects.  Have you heard the craze over gelatin?  Have you been wondering if you should give it a try?  You’re in luck.  I’m going to tell you exactly why you should incorporate gelatin into your diet.  I’m even going to give you my favorite […]
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The Power of Magnesium

I am pretty conservative about supplements and very conservative when it comes to supplementing with minerals.  Minerals aren’t just high or low.  They all connect, and some are even antagonists.  For example, copper and zinc are synergistic, meaning they work together, but having too much can still deplete the other.  This is why I don’t […]
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Is Intermittent Fasting Bad For Your Hormones?

I get asked about many types of diets, but intermittent fasting (IF) is probably the most frequent.  And I get it, the idea of not having to worry about food does sound kind of nice, but if the goal is to fix a hormone imbalance or support long term health, fasting isn’t the answer.  Can […]
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Mineral Testing vs. Hormone Testing

I recently got a great question about why I use hair mineral testing most often and the difference between hair testing and hormone testing.  I often get women asking me to run DUTCH comprehensive hormone testing, but I require hair mineral testing along with it.  Let’s dig into why!  What is hair mineral testing? A […]
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