Category: Nutrition

How To Know If You’re Eating Enough

One of the most foundational ways to support your hormones is to eat enough food. I often get asked how someone can know if they are eating enough. There are a number of signs our bodies give us when we aren’t eating enough:-Low/inconsistent energy-Poor appetite/hunger/cravings-Anxiety-Constipation-Feeling cold frequently-Difficulty falling and staying asleep-Hair loss-Irregular cycles/missing period-Irritability/mood changes-Unable […]
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Understanding the Importance of Macros Without Obsession

I think we all know someone that has tracked their macros or maybe you’ve even done it yourself (I definitely have), but that’s not what I’m talking about in this newsletter. I want to breakdown the science behind macros and share the importance of balancing them for healthy hormones. To be clear, I don’t think […]
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15 Foods that Provide Essential Minerals to a Woman’s Body

One solution to improving your health is by consuming mineral- and nutrient-rich foods. Minerals and vitamins are an important part of maintaining health and wellness. A woman’s body experiences multiple changes throughout her life, and also on a monthly basis. These changes can be hormonal, mental, and physical. This causes the need for specific nutrients. […]
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Nourishing Your Body Without Obsession

One thing I’ve had my own journey with and supported many clients in is walking the line of nourishing your body with food to support health and happiness and using food in a specific way to heal. The good news: you can do both! Before we dig into this complex topic, let’s define nourishment: “The […]
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Optimizing Your Nutrition For Healing

I often get asked about what diet is best for our hormones and honestly if feels like a really hard question to answer since it’s usually coming from someone that isn’t a client. The best diet for your hormones will be relative, but I do think there are things we can all do to reduce […]
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Eating For Hormone Health

My original post for this image was called “Simple PCOS Plate” and you can absolutely eat this way if you have PCOS, but this also applies to all of us.  ​⁣⁣What makes up a Happy Hormone Plate? Quality Protein: When we eat protein we break it down into amino acids, which are used to build muscle, […]
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What Is an Adrenal Cocktail?

A hormone supportive elixir or cocktail is a medicinal mixture that contributes to different systems in the body to support hormone balance. ⁣It’s important to note that elixirs are a bonus item, meaning if you are not eating enough and in balanced amounts, they likely will not be helpful. Food first, always!⁣ The purpose of […]
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Blood Sugar Dysregulation and Mineral Balance

The majority of conversations surrounding blood sugar issues like diabetes, hypoglycemia, and insulin resistance are focused on macronutrients.  The immediate reaction is to ask about the dietary balance of carbs, proteins, and fats, which can be partially misguided.  Balanced meals are an essential part of blood sugar balance and a crucial component of adrenal and […]
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Rethinking Your Prenatal: Essential Nutrients For Pregnancy

There’s a lot of information out there regarding prenatal nutrition. Similar to information regarding hormone health, it’s all conflicting, which leads to confusion. I feel the same about both–women should be educated on how their bodies work and what their nutrient requirements are, and then make the best decision for themselves.  I think one of […]
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