Category: Minerals

Stress is one of the major depleters of minerals.

Our brain & nervous system are always on the lookout to make sure we are safe. This is a subconscious process called neuroception where they are scanning our environment. When our brain senses a stressor, our hypothalamus is alerted and it kicks off a cascade of events that are all part of the stress response. […]
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Should I work on my gut health before I address my minerals?

Answering another common question I get when it comes to supporting mineral levels: should I work on my gut health before I address my minerals? For most people, it’s best to work on minerals first. Digestive issues are stressful both physically and mentally. When we have a long history of gut issues, what often happens […]
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Constipation & Minerals Case Study

It can be so frustratingNot pooping… for days 🙃Going to bed uncomfortably bloated 😣Your gut is making you miserable 😩 Here’s the good news:The key to healing your gut is minerals 🔑 My client Sara is a Master Your Minerals course student who struggled with constipation, bloating and digestive issues the majority of her life. […]
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Your Metabolic Type Tells A Story

Your metabolic type tells a story… There are 2 major metabolic types on a hair tissue mineral analysis (my favorite way to test minerals): 🏃🏻‍♀️Fast Metabolic Type: the person that is actively stressed and burning through mineral resources–this person is often addicted to stress. 🐌Slow Metabolic Type: the person that is moving toward depletion of […]
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Common attributes of fast metabolic types

80% of people that complete a hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) are slow metabolic types, yet I see just as many fast metabolic type tests for Master Your Minerals course students as slow. Common attributes of fast metabolic types:-addicted to stress-type A-seeking control of their health-going from protocol to protocol-very data-driven Why do I see […]
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All About Hair Mineral Analysis Testing

One of my favorite tests to do with clients is hair mineral analysis. Not only can it be done in the comfort of your own home (or you can ask your hair dresser to cut it), but it’s also very affordable making it more accessible than most functional lab tests. Let’s dig into what exactly […]
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Do Minerals Affect Fertility?

If you’ve been trying to conceive but haven’t been successful, it can be pretty devastating. There are a number of factors that contribute to infertility issues and difficulty conceiving. One reason could be that you are not ovulating. Another issue could be that you have low levels of progesterone and/or a sluggish thyroid. Many times, […]
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15 Foods that Provide Essential Minerals to a Woman’s Body

One solution to improving your health is by consuming mineral- and nutrient-rich foods. Minerals and vitamins are an important part of maintaining health and wellness. A woman’s body experiences multiple changes throughout her life, and also on a monthly basis. These changes can be hormonal, mental, and physical. This causes the need for specific nutrients. […]
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Mineral Deficiencies and Menopause: What You Need to Know

Across the country, women who are experiencing menopause are turning to natural remedies to help minimize their symptoms. And while there are many different options available, one that is widely overlooked is the role minerals play in the body. Mineral deficiencies can actually make menopause symptoms more severe, so it’s important to ensure that you’re […]
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Understanding Minerals and their Role in Women’s Health

My hormones are out of whack. My PMS makes me depressed. My period gives me headaches. There’s plenty of issues that can arise within a woman’s body. Sometimes it can be extremely frustrating searching for answers. These issues can get in the way of living life, they can affect moods, cause pain, fertility issues and […]
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