Category: Lab Testing

How do I know if I need more of specific nutrients

After reading about RDAs you might be wondering how to know if you have a deficiency and might need more than the recommended amount of a nutrient. This is where the tricky and often times frustrating world of lab testing comes in. A logical thought would be to go to your doctor and ask for […]
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Functional vs Normal Lab Ranges

Have you ever had your blood work come back totally normal despite not feeling well? I see this a lot and I think much of it has to do with using normal lab ranges vs. functional ranges. What Are “Normal” Ranges Based Off Of?The reference ranges for different markers can vary from lab to lab, […]
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What you Can Learn From an HTMA

If you listened my Mineral Testing episode on the Are You Menstrual? Podcast episode, you know hair mineral testing is my favorite way to assess mineral status. There are two big reasons:1. It has been a transformational test for myself and my clients.2. It gives you A LOT of information on one test and is […]
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Three Ways To Test Minerals

I wrapped up Season 4 of the Are You Menstrual? Podcast with a recap on each mineral deep dive that was discussed throughout the season. If you didn’t get a chance to listen to all of the mineral deep dive episodes, I hope this recap inspires you to learn more about each one and inspires […]
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Your Metabolic Type Tells A Story

Your metabolic type tells a story… There are 2 major metabolic types on a hair tissue mineral analysis (my favorite way to test minerals): 🏃🏻‍♀️Fast Metabolic Type: the person that is actively stressed and burning through mineral resources–this person is often addicted to stress. 🐌Slow Metabolic Type: the person that is moving toward depletion of […]
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Why Food Sensitivities Are A Symptom Not The Root Problem

Today, we’re focusing on food sensitivities. We’ve all heard of food sensitivity testing and likely seen an ad or two telling us how uncovering your food sensitivities will solve your gut/health issues. The main problem with food sensitivity testing is that it looks at IgG antibodies that are a normal part of our immune system […]
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Common attributes of fast metabolic types

80% of people that complete a hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) are slow metabolic types, yet I see just as many fast metabolic type tests for Master Your Minerals course students as slow. Common attributes of fast metabolic types:-addicted to stress-type A-seeking control of their health-going from protocol to protocol-very data-driven Why do I see […]
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All About Hair Mineral Analysis Testing

One of my favorite tests to do with clients is hair mineral analysis. Not only can it be done in the comfort of your own home (or you can ask your hair dresser to cut it), but it’s also very affordable making it more accessible than most functional lab tests. Let’s dig into what exactly […]
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Have you done a lot of lab testing but still don’t feel better?

Raise your hand if you’ve done dozens of lab tests but still haven’t figured out why you don’t feel your best! Don’t get me wrong, I love lab testing. The lab testing isn’t the problem. It’s typically that each lab is coming from a different company/practitioner and is looking at each system of the body […]
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The Power of Magnesium

I am pretty conservative about supplements and very conservative when it comes to supplementing with minerals.  Minerals aren’t just high or low.  They all connect, and some are even antagonists.  For example, copper and zinc are synergistic, meaning they work together, but having too much can still deplete the other.  This is why I don’t […]
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