Category: Hormones

How To Support Estrogen Detox

Estrogen plays a role in various body functions. However, high levels of estrogen can pose health risks, such as weight gain, thyroid dysfunction, breast or ovarian cancer, and blood clots. How can you get rid of excess estrogen you ask? The answer is supporting proper estrogen detoxification in the body. There are three phases of […]
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What is your period trying to tell you?

Our menstrual cycles are more than a monthly bleed. They are a way for our bodies to communicate with us. ⁣They tell us what is going well and where we may need to slow down and refocus in our lives.  One way we get information is from our actual period. ⁣Based on when we get […]
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Five Ways to Have Better Periods

There’s something we’ve been taught – it’s normal  it’s normal to feel crazy, have painful cramps, heavy bleeding, and overall a very stressful event that is your period each month. ⁣⁣⁣⁣ But, that’s wrong.  It may be common, but it’s not normal. Feeling like a completely different person for a week (or two or more) […]
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The Six Tools to Use for Period Pain

Just because something is common doesn’t mean that it’s normal. Take period pain, for example. Each month, many women suffer through what they think is a normal part of their period, the excruciating pain that comes with their cycle. Other women experience it as well, so they never question whether or not the days or […]
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Stress Management and PCOS: How stress affects your hormones

The connection between stress and your hormones is no secret, but the effects of stress on the management of polycystic ovarian syndrome are something that we don’t talk about nearly as much as we should. I’ve found, though, that reducing stress is essential for long term management of symptoms related to polycystic ovarian syndrome and […]
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