Category: Hormones

Breastfeeding & Your Cycle

One of the most common questions we got after the podcast episode about breastfeeding with Therese Dansby was around ecological breastfeeding and when your cycle will return.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀When we are breastfeeding, prolactin is high and estrogen and progesterone are low. This delays ovulation and can be used as birth control for the firs 6 months postpartum […]
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Boron & Your Hormones

Many minerals can have a profound impact on hormone health, but boron not only impacts estrogen and testosterone, but also something called steroid hormone binding globulin or SHBG. SHBG is a protein that binds to sex hormones and carries them through the blood. SHBG binds to:-DHT-Testosterone-Androstenediol-Estradiol-Estrone SHBG has a greater affinity for male sex hormones […]
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The Hormonal Shifts of Menopause

Let’s start with defining menopause! Menopause is confirmed when you don’t have a period for 12 months. This lack of periods means that ovulation is not occurring and that you are no longer making progesterone or estrogen (other than the small amount coming from your adrenal glands). This is why menopause is a low hormone […]
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Optimizing Circadian Rhythm For Hormone Health

A circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats each day on a 24 hour cycle. It is most impacted by the light and dark cycles in our environment. Why Does Our Circadian Rhythm Matter For Our Hormones? Our circadian rhythm (CR) regulates our digestion, hormone production, metabolism, and […]
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How sex hormones impact the gallbladder

We need a healthy gallbladder in order to have healthy hormones, but our hormones can also impact that function of our gallbladder. In fact, on this week’s Are You Menstrual? Podcast episode with @gallbladder.nutritionist, we learned that many gallbladder issues are the result of a hormone imbalance. One of the most common hormone imbalances that […]
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Alcohol & Your Hormones

How does alcohol impact our hormones and overall health? We know that alcohol increases estrogen levels, which often leads to unwanted symptoms for many women (PMS, period pain, mood changes, acne, sluggish thyroid, fibroids, etc.), but it impacts many other areas of our health that can trickly down and impact hormones. How Alcohol Impacts The […]
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How to Assess Hormone Health at Home

While I think lab tests can be extremely valuable, I also think it’s important to have daily and monthly markers that you can use to assess your hormone health at home. There are three main areas you can use to do this:1. Tracking your cycles2. Establishing a baseline basal body temperature (BBT)3. Evaluating sleep, appetite, […]
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Possible Root Causes of Histamine Intolerance

In the Histamine intolerance 101 episode on the Are You Menstrual? Podcast we go through the 4 major root causes of histamine intolerance:-nutrient deficiencies-hormone imbalances-poor gut health-certain medications Let’s zoom in on nutrient deficiencies! Low levels of certain nutrients like copper, Vitamins A, B6, and C can lead to histamine build up along with excess […]
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Nourishing Series Part 2: Gaining Weight While Healing

In Part 1 of this nourishing series, we talked about normalizing eating and nourishment in general. Society is often telling us to eat less food, eat less frequently, and restrict more and more. Our goal with this series is to remind you that eating nourishing foods is required to heal. One topic that often comes […]
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Cholesterol is the Backbone of all of our Sex and Stress Hormones

Cholesterol is essential for health hormones. It’s how we make all of our sex and stress hormones. The interesting thing about cholesterol and our hormones is that they can both impact each other. Not only does cholesterol impact our hormone levels, but our hormones impact our cholesterol levels. “​​National Institutes of Health researchers have shown […]
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