Category: Digestion

Intro to lymph flow

What is our lymphatic system? The lymph system carries out waste products from every cell back into the bloodstream, where the liver and kidneys filter them out. It also absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive tract and delivers them to the cells of the body. Lastly, it is an essential part of the […]
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Should I work on my gut health before I address my minerals?

Answering another common question I get when it comes to supporting mineral levels: should I work on my gut health before I address my minerals? For most people, it’s best to work on minerals first. Digestive issues are stressful both physically and mentally. When we have a long history of gut issues, what often happens […]
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Constipation & Minerals Case Study

It can be so frustratingNot pooping… for days 🙃Going to bed uncomfortably bloated 😣Your gut is making you miserable 😩 Here’s the good news:The key to healing your gut is minerals 🔑 My client Sara is a Master Your Minerals course student who struggled with constipation, bloating and digestive issues the majority of her life. […]
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Why Food Sensitivities Are A Symptom Not The Root Problem

Today, we’re focusing on food sensitivities. We’ve all heard of food sensitivity testing and likely seen an ad or two telling us how uncovering your food sensitivities will solve your gut/health issues. The main problem with food sensitivity testing is that it looks at IgG antibodies that are a normal part of our immune system […]
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Is Your Hormone/Skin/Digestion Issue A Thyroid Issue?

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t get a direct message or email asking me how to naturally increase or decrease a hormone/fix digestive issue/acne/etc. Honestly, I don’t even get irritated. I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to be desperate and to feel like no one is giving you any […]
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What’s Really Causing Your SIBO?

SIBO or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth is a condition where you have too much bacteria present in the small intestine.  This leads to excessive bloating, especially after meals.  It also causes constipation and a host of other health issues since digestion is essential for our overall health.  So, what does SIBO have to do with […]
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How Gut Health Impacts Hormones

I often get women that come to me wanting hormone testing, and I totally understand why.  They are tired, have painful/heavy periods, irregular cycles, endometriosis, PCOS, etc., which are all related to hormones.  BUT, and that’s a big but, we need to think about what is causing these hormone imbalances.  This is where the digestive […]
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Gut Healing Gelatin

Gelatin has long since been studied and used for its therapeutic effects.  Have you heard the craze over gelatin?  Have you been wondering if you should give it a try?  You’re in luck.  I’m going to tell you exactly why you should incorporate gelatin into your diet.  I’m even going to give you my favorite […]
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The Thyroid, Estrogen, and Fibroid Connection

Uterine fibroids are the most common benign uterine tumor.  Approximately 60-65% of women develop fibroids by age 50.  That’s a HUGE part of the population. Unfortunately, there is a lack of great information out there on how to naturally support your body when dealing with fibroids and what can be a contributor to their growth.  […]
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Are Food Sensitivities Stressing You Out?

Are you struggling with food sensitivities?  Do you find that you are all of a sudden reacting to foods you love and eat all the time?  I am probably going to surprise you with what I say next.  Food sensitivities are a symptom, not your problem.  Reacting to food is not normal.  It is feedback […]
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