Removing Thyroid Disrupting Chemicals

Certain chemicals, specifically chemicals from the halogens group, can compete with iodine, which is also a halogen. ⁣

​Why? They have similar chemical structures and this allows them to interfere with thyroid function since we NEED iodine (as you learned in my previous post). ⁣​
​🚨The Halogens Group:⁣​
​🔹Chlorine: found in drinking water, pools, spas, bleach, and cleaning products. ⁣​
​🔹Fluorine/Fluoride: found in toothpaste, prescription medications, teflon, and non stick cookware. ⁣​
​*Fluoride was used up until the 1950’s to treat hyperthyroid–that tells you a lot about how it impacts your thyroid right there. ⁣​
​🔹Bromine: found in flour products, baked goods, breads, sugary beverages, and flame retardants. ⁣​
Some changes you may want to consider if you are struggling with thyroid health:⁣​
​1️. Get a vitamin c shower filter (they are pretty cheap on amazon) to block chlorine–we absorb a TON of chlorine from showers and baths. ⁣​
​2️.Take a look at your toothpaste. Struggling with oral health problems? Fluoride isn’t always the answer. Primal Life Organics has a ton of free resources to learn how to remineralize your teeth and support oral health naturally. ⁣​
​3️. Switch to cast iron, stainless steel, or ceramic pans. ⁣

4. Look at your water. Do you use a filter? You can use the EWG tap water database to learn more about your water. If you have well water or want to know if the pipes are impacting your water, you can do testing at home through a company called Tap Score. ​

​​Remember, the amount of exposure you have to these chemicals matters. Don’t stress about swimming in a pool every once in a while if you have a shower filter. ⁣​
If you’re minimizing exposure in most areas, you’re supporting thyroid health. ⁣​

​What to learn even more about your thyroid? Check out my FREE Thyroid-Mineral connection Webinar and listen to my podcast episode about supporting your thyroid for optimal health.

reminder: i’m currently taking on 1:1 clients. if you’d like to explore what it would be like to work together and if we are a good fit, fill out this form to get more details!​

Amanda Montalvo

Amanda Montalvo is a women's health dietitian who helps women find the root cause of hormone imbalances and regain healthy menstrual cycles.

Master Your Minerals

Created by
Hormone Healing RD

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