Category: Thyroid Health

Acne Goes Beyond Hormones

The topic of acne is near and dear to my heart since it has been something I’ve struggled with since I was about 13. I took antibiotics, went on the pill, and used every topical I could get my hands on. I was never told the cause of my acne when I was seeing a […]
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The connection between our thyroid & gallbladder

Similar to how our hormones interact with our gallbladder, our thyroid impacts gallbladder function and our gallbladder impacts how we use thyroid hormone in the body. From The Thyroid’s View:Our thyroid health has a big impact on cholesterol metabolism. Hypothyroidism can lead to high cholesterol and poor cholesterol metabolism for many. This disruption in cholesterol […]
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What Really Impacts Thyroid Health Part 2

In part 1 of what really impacts thyroid health, we dug into nutrition, macronutreints, and micronutrients that are important for thyroid health. Today, our focus is on stress and its impact on the thyroid as well as halogens, which are found in our environment. Stress & Your Thyroid Our brain is what senses stress, then […]
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What Really Impacts Thyroid Health Part 1

Like all other hormone issues, there’s quite a bit of confusion when it comes to thyroid health. Some people say low carb is good for those with hypothyroid, while others say it’s going to exacerbate your symptoms. Some women do really well on thyroid meds, while others don’t get any relief from their symptoms. So […]
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Assessing Thyroid Health Prior To Pregnancy

This topic speaks to me since working on my thyroid health has been my main priority when preparing for pregnancy. When I got off the pill over 10 years ago, the biggest area that took a hit was my thyroid. It’s been something I’ve struggled on and off with over the last ten years. You […]
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Mindful Light Exposure

We spend the majority of our lives surrounded by light. Sometimes it’s blue light from a screen or LED lights in our home and sometimes it’s light from the sun. Whether or not you struggle with sleep, your exposure to blue light matters. Blue light is beneficial during the day. It wakes us up during […]
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What you Can Learn From an HTMA

If you listened my Mineral Testing episode on the Are You Menstrual? Podcast episode, you know hair mineral testing is my favorite way to assess mineral status. There are two big reasons:1. It has been a transformational test for myself and my clients.2. It gives you A LOT of information on one test and is […]
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Good Energy Production = Good Moods

I talk a lot about metabolism and thyroid function since it’s such an important part of healthy hormones. Our metabolism is how our bodies make energy. According to Dr. Aviva Romm, “It’s thought that millions of women are walking around with low thyroid function and don’t know it, causing symptoms of depression, and more. As […]
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Getting To The Root Of Headaches & Migraines

Headaches and migraines can be debilitating and are very common symptoms of the women I work with. I used to experience hormonal headaches during ovulation and right before my period for many years, especially when I had the copper IUD and was struggling with estrogen dominance. There are a number of different root causes of […]
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Is Your Hormone/Skin/Digestion Issue A Thyroid Issue?

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t get a direct message or email asking me how to naturally increase or decrease a hormone/fix digestive issue/acne/etc. Honestly, I don’t even get irritated. I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to be desperate and to feel like no one is giving you any […]
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