In this post we are digging into how our digestive health (or lack thereof) can lead to excess estrogen.
Let’s start at the top. The actual process of making stomach acid, digestive enzymes, and bile is important for hormone health because:
+ It helps us break down our food and absorb nutrients.
+ Proper breakdown of food helps with motility of our intestines, keeps things moving, and allows us to absorb the nutrients in our food.
+ Stomach acid kills pathogens.
+ Bile helps us get rid of estrogen and toxins.
When we don’t have adequate digestion, we can deal with constipation and the recirculation of estrogen. A lack of stomach acid can also allow pathogens to get through to our intestines and increase inflammation. We can also get an overgrowth of non-beneficial bacteria that further slow our motility and cause bloating.
Any inflammation can lead to excess estrogen. One specific way this occurs is through an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase. This enzyme takes a nicely packaged estrogen compound that is ready to leave the body and rips it up. This leads to the recycling of estrogen in the body and higher levels.
This is why supporting digestion and ensuring it’s optimal is KEY for healthy hormones. If you’re struggling with what you think (or know) is high estrogen, make sure you address your digestion. This doesn’t have to mean gut testing right away (we don’t recommend it until you’ve worked on a solid nutrition foundation). You can even just use something simple like digestive bitters or ACV prior to meals to help you make more of your own digestive juices.
Are you stressed? This reduces digestive function. I find most often people are stressed out, not eating enough or skipping meals, and distracted at meals. Instead of going right to a supplement or lab test, focus on how you are eating first.
Here are some great podcast episodes from the are you menstrual? podcast about gut health that you may find helpful:
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