Optimizing gut health for reintroduction

Step 1: Remove gut irritating foods.⁣

If you don’t react well to dairy, I’m guessing you have some other GI symptoms as well. ⁣

Giving your digestive system a break can be really helpful. As you embark on this process of gut healing, I recommend experimenting with the following:⁣

-Avoid raw veggies–aim for cooked veggies the majority of the time⁣. If digestion is really compromised, you can cook fruits too (they also taste amazing like this—I just saute in butter or coconut oil).
-Reduce nuts and seeds (if you do that them, chew thoroughly)⁣
-Avoid inflammatory oils such as soybean/canola/rapeseed/safflower, etc.⁣

This will allow your system to rest a bit!

⁣Step 2: Add in gut supportive foods. ⁣

Foods such as bone broth, collagen, gelatin, coconut oil, aloe vera (juice is easy to add to things), eggs, cooked mushrooms.⁣

⁣Step 3: Support digestion.⁣
Include a mix of supplement and lifestyle changes:⁣
-Eat without distractions.⁣
-Relax at meals. Taking a few deep breaths prior to eating can allow you to digest your food better.⁣
-Consider digestive bitters. I love Urban Moonshine and Organic Olivia. ⁣
Using bitters prior to meals can help stimulate your own digestive process and allow you to break down your food better.⁣

Step 4: SLOWLY reintroduce.⁣
The biggest mistake I see people make is reintroducing too quickly. You can slowly rebuild lactase by slowly reintroducing dairy. ⁣

Here’s the order I recommend:⁣
-hard cheeses first (lower in lactose)⁣
-goat/sheep’s milk based cheeses⁣ (or A2 cow’s dairy)
-goat/sheep’s milk based yogurts⁣  (or A2 cow’s dairy)
-organic, grass fed milk(can start with goat/sheep as well or get A2 cow’s dairy)

⁣Start Small: One small cut of cheese, 1 tbsp of yogurt or milk, etc. Do this daily and slowly increase until you are eating your desired amount. ⁣

Step 5: Test don’t guess. ⁣

Still having issues? Looking deeper at your digestive health can help you uncover a deeper cause to why you cannot digest dairy. ⁣

I use GI map stool testing with clients to see how they are breaking down their food, beneficial bacteria, pathogens/parasites/yeast/overgrowth, and how the immune system is functioning. ⁣

Here are a few podcast episodes that also discuss how to support gut health:

I also discuss gut health and digestion inside my course Master your minerals and talk about how minerals can help support digestion. you can learn more about the course here.

reminder: i’m currently taking on 1:1 clients. if you’d like to explore what it would be like to work together and if we are a good fit, fill out this form to get more details!

Amanda Montalvo

Amanda Montalvo is a women's health dietitian who helps women find the root cause of hormone imbalances and regain healthy menstrual cycles.

Master Your Minerals

Created by
Hormone Healing RD

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