Category: Thyroid Health

Minerals Part-2: Power Punchers

In my most recent blog, Minerals Part-1: Mechanics, I introduced the first level of minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. I detailed how each of these minerals plays a role in your body and why they are essential to your health. If you missed it, be sure to check it out. In this post, part-2 […]
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Minerals Part-1: Mechanics

There are seven essential nutrients needed by the human body, meaning we need them in our diet. Minerals, along with vitamins, make up the essential nutrient group known as micronutrients. These nutrients are named “micro” because the body does not require as much of them when compared to macronutrients–carbs, protein, and fat. What makes minerals […]
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Thyroid Health Part-3: Gut Health, Treatment, & Nutrition

In this thyroid health series, we have gone over the Thyroid Basics (part-1) and the impacts of Stress, Cycles & the Pill (part-2) on thyroid function. Be sure to check those out for more helpful information. Here, in part-3, we will look into how the gut affects the thyroid and also the types of treatment […]
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Thyroid Health Part-2: Stress, Cycles & the Pill

 In Part-1 of this thyroid health series, we discussed the basics of thyroid health.  We covered what the thyroid is, how it works, and why you should care.  In part-2, I will provide insight into how stress, your menstrual cycle, and birth control pills impact your thyroid health. How does stress impact thyroid function? If […]
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Thyroid Health Part-1: Thyroid Basics

The topic of thyroid health has generated an overwhelming number of questions. You don’t need to be diagnosed with hypothyroid to suffer from thyroid issues. I’ve discovered subclinical thyroid dysfunction in myself and many of my clients, impairing their ability to heal fully. In response to the questions I’ve received, I have put together a […]
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