Category: Minerals

Minerals In Action-Client Case!

Carly came to me because she didn’t feel like herself. She was once a vibrant, go getter that was always be exploring a new hobby on top of her day job as a nurse, until one day it seemed like it all came to a halt. She started experiencing a harder time getting out of […]
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Heavy Metals and Estrogen

Heavy metals can lead to higher estrogen levels. High levels of heavy metals such as uranium, arsenic, mercury, lead, and aluminum are a big stressor on the body. Not only can they mimic estrogen in the body, but they also lead to a lot more work for our detoxification organs, especially our kidneys and liver. […]
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Hair Mineral Test Review!​

Time for a hair mineral test review! I always recommend starting with nutrition first and ensuring that you are eating enough, having balanced meals, and eating consistently. That in and of itself reduces a lot of stress in the body and can support digestion, gut health, thyroid, hormones, and liver detox. When it comes to […]
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Top 10 Most Common Mineral Imbalances

Many of the most common health complaints I hear from women are related to their mineral status. Both mineral deficiencies and excesses can lead to unwanted symptoms. If I had to choose the top ten most common mineral imbalances that I see that impact women’s health the most they would be the following: Calcium Calcium […]
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Top 5 mineral supportive & healing foods

What’s the best way to support our minerals? Including nutrient-dense foods every day. When we make these foods staples we provide our bodies with a consistent source and can heal imbalances and prevent them in the future. My Top 5 Mineral Supportive Foods:1. Beef liver/organ meats: Beef liver is rich in copper and other minerals […]
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The many Benefits of Boron

Boron is a trace mineral that is involved in maintaining bone health, balancing the ratio between calcium and magnesium, and impacts our vitamin D status, sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone, has the potential to reduce arthritis symptoms, and can even impact insulin, fertility in men, our parathyroid and so much more. I would definitely […]
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Why copper is king

Copper isn’t just important for iron use in the body. I have talked about how copper is the key to preventing and improving iron deficiency. This is because copper plays a huge role in iron metabolism and helps iron fulfill its many roles in the body. Copper also works in many other ways to support […]
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Why A Nutrient Deficiency Is Not Enough–Suboptimal Nutrient Status Matters

The World Health Organization defines health as the following: “health is not merely the absence of disease but also a state of complete physical, social, mental well-being.” I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. Just because we don’t have a diagnosis doesn’t necessarily mean we are healthy. I think many people can relate to having symptoms, going […]
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Iodine: The Miracle Mineral

If you’ve been here for a while, you know how passionate I am about minerals. I talk a lot about minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and copper, but what about iodine? Iodine is one of those minerals that doesn’t get the same attention as others and is often demonized. We are told to avoid excessive […]
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What is Shilajit?

I mentioned that I take shilajit most days a while back and got flooded with questions, so I thought I would do a post breaking down what shilajit is and why it can be beneficial for many. Shilajit is a mineral-rich resin that most commonly comes from mountain tops in the Himalayas and is traditionally […]
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