Category: Lifestyle

Why You Should Work With A Functional Medicine Practitioner

When I decided to get off the pill, I struggled a lot.  Even though I was familiar with how the pill worked, I was shocked at how difficult the transition off of birth control was on my overall hormones and health.  I figured that since I did not want to be on synthetic hormones anymore, […]
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Helpful Data Tracking

Our bodies are continually communicating with us. From how we sleep, our appetite, energy level, digestion, mood, to our periods and monthly cycles. There is so much information at our fingertips that we could use to guide our nutrition and lifestyle choices. One way to help guide your choices is data tracking.  What is health […]
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The Many Benefits of Red Light Therapy

In my most recent blog post, I discussed the effects of blue light exposure. I even mentioned how red light therapy could reduce blue light exposure. Today, I will enlighten you on other benefits of red light therapy. I talk about using red light therapy quite a bit in my Instagram stories since I have […]
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Blue Light Exposure

Whether or not you struggle with sleep, your exposure to blue light matters. Blue light is beneficial during the day. It wakes us up during daylight hours, keeps us alert, gives us energy, boosts mood, etc. Once the sun goes down, though, many of us continue exposure to blue light with lights in our home […]
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