Category: Estrogen

How To Grow Broccoli Sprouts

My most popular youtube video is STILL the one of me showing you how to grow your own broccoli sprouts from like 2-3 years ago. ⁣ 🥦Why broccoli sprouts?⁣ 1. 3-4 day old broccoli sprouts have up to 100x the amount of sulforaphane as mature broccoli.⁣ 2. Sulforaphane is a potent cancer-fighting, detox boosting, and […]
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What’s the Deal with Ovulation Pain?

Do you have heating pads and pain pills on standby for period and ovulation pain?  If so, rest assured that you are not alone.  An overwhelming number of women suffer from painful ovulation.  Pain during ovulation is normal; however, there are a few layers to what can contribute to painful ovulation as usual.  Let’s start […]
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The Thyroid, Estrogen, and Fibroid Connection

Uterine fibroids are the most common benign uterine tumor.  Approximately 60-65% of women develop fibroids by age 50.  That’s a HUGE part of the population. Unfortunately, there is a lack of great information out there on how to naturally support your body when dealing with fibroids and what can be a contributor to their growth.  […]
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Hormone Health On A Cellular Level

Balancing your hormones is a complex topic.  There are so many factors that influence hormone levels.  Hormone health is more than just looking at your estrogen and progesterone levels and trying to balance them out.  Do not get me wrong; they are both essential for hormone health; however, we cannot just focus on lowering estrogen […]
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Estrogen Dominance May Not Be Your Problem

You’ve probably read a post or heard someone describing symptoms of excess estrogen and resonated with it.  I know I have.  However, high estrogen isn’t the main problem.  Can reducing estrogen in your environment, beauty products, menstrual products, and home help your symptoms?  Yes and I think it’s a piece of the hormone imbalance puzzle, […]
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How To Support Estrogen Detox

Estrogen plays a role in various body functions. However, high levels of estrogen can pose health risks, such as weight gain, thyroid dysfunction, breast or ovarian cancer, and blood clots. How can you get rid of excess estrogen you ask? The answer is supporting proper estrogen detoxification in the body. There are three phases of […]
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