Welcome to the Free Training

Optimizing your Hormone Health with Mineral Balance

What You Will Learn:

The Why

Why mineral balance is absolutely critical to hormone health

the how

How minerals get out of balance & using hair mineral testing

what's next

how to start balancing the two most important minerals everyone needs: sodium and potassium.
Meet your Hosts

Amanda Montalvo, RD, FDN-P

Hi, I'm Amanda! I help women balance their hormones through nutrition, lifestyle, and functional testing so they can have pain-free, healthy periods without obsession or restrictive diets.

My hormone healing journey started when I got off hormonal birth control 10 years ago and EVERYTHING went wrong.

I lost my period for 8 months, struggled with my thyroid, developed post pill PCOS, and my acne got worse than I ever could have imagined.

I got zero help (other than prescriptions) from my doctors and so began my journey of obsessing over women's health. This changed the trajectory of my life and career.

After being on the pill for 7 years and then having the copper IUD for just about 7 years as well, I had some serious mineral imbalances. I was seeing improvement after I focused on my gut health and taking certain supplements, but I felt like my body was so fragile. I didn't have the resiliency I felt like I should.

One of my colleagues told me about hair mineral testing and the rest is history! HTMA allowed me to see that I had major copper imbalances, depleted minerals, and needed to make some serious changes in my day to day.

Emily Blasik, NTP, RWS

Hi, I'm Emily! I struggled with irregular periods, acne, hirsutism, and fatigue for most of my menstruating life—until a turning point in 20I4, when I was diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism at the young age of 22.

It was then that I committed to healing my hormones by focusing on diet and lifestyle changes that would hopefully improve my symptoms. My interest in wellness only grew, and in 2019, I became certified as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.

Even with all of the positive changes I'd made throughout the years, I was still dealing with crippling fatigue and major blood sugar imbalances when I started working with Amanda last year (shortly after my first child was born).

By testing my minerals, we were able to address the root cause of my lingering symptoms: Not only was I lacking important minerals for thyroid health, adrenal function, and blood sugar balance, but my liver was also super stressed. The HTMA helped me to see what still needed prioritizing to reach the level of wellness I was comfortable with before getting pregnant again.

Now, I can confidently say that utilizing mineral testing has done more for my overall health than any other test. I'm currently expecting baby #2 and—despite eating ALL the carbs—my blood sugar numbers have never been better.

Master Your Minerals.

Harmonize Your Hormones.

Hormones playing havoc with your health? End the mayhem with minerals. Why? Because mineral imbalances are one of the most common causes of hormone imbalances.

Balance your minerals to feel better with our Master your Minerals course.

Master Your Minerals

Created by
Hormone Healing RD

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