Category: Iron

Iron deficiency anemia?

Iron deficiency is not as simple as low iron or ferritin levels. We all have an Iron Recycling System (RES) that helps our bodies produce 24 mg of iron every 24 hours. Our bone marrow uses this iron to help make more red blood cells. These red blood cells live for about 120 days and […]
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Copper is the key to iron deficiency

What does copper have to do with iron? A lot. Iron and copper are the only two metals that regulate oxygen. Iron carries oxygen, and copper activates that oxygen and turns it into water. Copper is also responsible for regulating the amount of iron that enters the blood. If copper levels are too low, iron […]
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The relationship between ferritin, iron, & copper

Ferritin isn’t the best reflection of iron and mineral status in the body. When you understand more about what ferritin is, I think this will make sense. Morley Robbins has drastically changed my view of this protein. Here’s how he describes ferritin: Ferritin is a protein that’s made inside our cells to help store iron. […]
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The Connection Between PCOS & Iron Overload

Did you know there are many similarities between hemochromatosis (iron overload) and PCOS? There are many similarities between the two conditions, including insulin resistance (iron overload causes insulin resistance), increase body fat percentage, fatty liver disease, infertility, and high androgens (testosterone). When you do a quick take you might be shocked by how similar the […]
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Vitamin A: An Essential Nutrient for Healthy Hormones

Many health experts talk about vitamin D and vitamin B12, but what about vitamin A? Struggling with low energy and low vitamin D levels? Vitamin A is needed to absorb and convert vitamin D in the first place properly. We also need vitamin A for our metabolism to work correctly and to convert thyroid hormone. […]
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