Do Minerals Affect Fertility?

8 Most Essential Minerals for Women and How they Help

The Gallbladder & Your Hormones

If you’ve never had gallstones or worried about getting your gallbladder removed, you may not understand just how important it is. Not only do we need our gallbladder to properly digest and…
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Iron deficiency anemia?

Iron deficiency is not as simple as low iron or ferritin levels. We all have an Iron Recycling System (RES) that helps our bodies produce 24 mg of iron every 24 hours.…
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The many Benefits of Boron

Boron is a trace mineral that is involved in maintaining bone health, balancing the ratio between calcium and magnesium, and impacts our vitamin D status, sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone, has…
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Why copper is king

Copper isn’t just important for iron use in the body. I have talked about how copper is the key to preventing and improving iron deficiency. This is because copper plays a huge…
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My First Few Months Postpartum

I didn’t really know what to expect after having Eliana. I knew that taking care of her was going to be challenging and amazing all at once but until you’re in it,…
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Best ways to support copper

I’ve been asked a lot about how to get more copper. These are my favorite high copper foods: + Beef liver—also has vitamin A, which is important for using copper in the…
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