If you’ve been trying to conceive but haven’t been successful, it can be pretty devastating. There are a number of factors that contribute to infertility issues and difficulty conceiving. One reason c...
8 Most Essential Minerals for Women and How they Help
There is often a lot of jargon thrown around when it comes to nutrition. You hear words like ‘minerals’ but no one ever talks about what they are or why they are important. In this article we are goin...
What is the key to a hormone friendly snack? 👉🏼 Reducing stress on the body. We can reduce stress on the body by providing it with what it needs to thrive: protein,…
When I think about how we can support our micronutrient status postpartum, it goes much deeper than just prioritizing certain foods and supplements. While those definitely help, we also have to take…
What contributes to excess estrogen? Glucose is the body’s preferred fuel source. We will take fat or protein and turn it into glucose even if we aren’t getting enough glucose from our…
Copper is a nuanced mineral much like iron. Both are extremely important for our overall health, but we need to be using them properly in order to keep a proper balance in…
The key to healthy hormones long-term is to build a resilient body, which can handle stress. Stress isn’t all bad and can even often be beneficial for us. The issue most people…
Many of the most common health complaints I hear from women are related to their mineral status. Both mineral deficiencies and excesses can lead to unwanted symptoms. If I had to choose…
Recovering from miscarriage requires a mental and physical approach. It’s easy to want to focus on the physical aspect of recovering like balancing hormones, lab testing, etc. and while all of that…
What’s the best way to support our minerals? Including nutrient-dense foods every day. When we make these foods staples we provide our bodies with a consistent source and can heal imbalances and…